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Election Night Observations


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CBS is offering some flexibility on their results graphic, the affiliates (WBBM at least) are occasionally inserting local results right on top of the network's.


They did this in 2008, but I don't know how many stations actually used it. If I recall correctly, they only sent out instructions on how to do it through the LIDIA system, which is rather clunky to run something like this through.

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CBC was doing coverage, primarily on CBC News Network, and simulcast in place of The National as 10:00 PM hit across the country. They had a moment where Peter Mansbridge had to hold up results written on cue cards after some glitches with the graphics system, though, and commented on the U.S. networks fixation of fear and early numbers.

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From Slovenia, here's RTV Slovenija's U.S. election night set -- a virtual set (no, Obama and Romney aren't really standing there) based on the first debate stage:




And from France, here's the opening sequence to BFM TV's election night coverage, also showing their set:






Staying in France, this is how France 2 was promoting its U.S. election night coverage and the rest of its "American Week":







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Coverage-wise, I decided to stick with CBS most of the time. They were the absolute best because of the minimal amount of bells and whistles as opposed to NBC (with the Rockefeller Center ice rink as the electoral map) and ABC (with whatever the hell Diane Sawyer was on). Alright, so NBC reused their 2010 graphics, and I checked in on them.


CNN was also rock-solid; last time around, most of our TVs were tuned to CNN when they called the election for Obama. This time around, I followed suit when the polls closed in California, surging him to the lead. But it was back to CBS in time for the call for Ohio that won the president four more years, which was about 7:15 pm Alaska Time. CBS hit up the Special Report graphic as a cue for some of their stations to rejoin them; why couldn't NBC and ABC do this?

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I watched the Big 3 coverage in my own way: by watching a different network each hour. I began at 7:00 with NBC (Me and my family were watching and it was already set to the Peacock). They had a fairly decent coverage; graphics the same since 2010; BriWi was great. Didn't see much as I went to local laundromat, and other locals were watching the coverage.


I then switched to CBS at 8:00. I looked more foward to the Eye because it was Scott Pelley's first time anchoring coverage. SPell was stupendous. Graphic were minimalist (which was great for those who don't like flashy graphics) and I loved the thing John Dickerson was using and the live 3D graphics used in Studio 57 and the Digital room they had. I also loved the star logo for the campaign coverage. Great job all around.


At 9:00, I moved to ABC. They had a nice studio and George S. (not gonna try typing the whoe thing) did his best. and I swear I didn't noticed that Diane Sawyer was plastered until after the coverage ended (didnt see the Trending Topic on Twitter either). They used Times Square well as an election night Post-it note. I admit I didn't see much (sadly) and thought the Alphabet wasn't as good as NBC or CBS.


During commercial breaks of the broadcasts, I went to the cablers but didnt see a lot because I didnt want to miss the Big 3's coverages (and doing...laundry). I did go to BET at 10:00 for its coverage. It started with its news program Don't Sleep with TJ Holmes (just premiered last month...with great timing). Great show; should check out more. later, I watched the the network's coverage with veteran Ed Gordon. On its own, it was great; I watched all through the minute Ohio was in favor for Obama. After that ended, I went back to the Big 3 and alternated between CBS and NBC (ABC wasn't in my favor). After that I went to sleep.


All in all it was better than last year. And all I wanted to do was see the sets for all networks. Oh and on the laundromat story, everyone was tuned into the coverages from everyone. One TV on this, another on that. It was great. And I got my clothes washed before the important moment came. Awesome part of my life seen that night.

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I've read some good things about the guy who anchors ABC's Saturday and Sunday evening newscasts -- David Muir, IIRC. Maybe he should be given a larger role for things like elections.


Personally, I didn't watch any of the broadcast or cable networks. I watched TWiT's coverage, instead.

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