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WLUC New Set & Graphics


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WLUC in Marquette, MI has a new set and graphics package, and it's a HUGE upgrade over what they had! They reported the upgrades were over $1 million.






Not bad at all for #180!


Below is a Facebook Live tour of the new studio. I'll try to post the new open later tonight.


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They're using In-Sink V.5, the Gray standard graphics and the tubes are gone.



But they're still forecasting the weather as it if was the '70s... Highs in the 70s, Lows in the 50s. Meteorology and weather forecasting doesn't do that anymore.

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It looks like none of the $1,000,000+ went toward a new logo. What a shame.


Still holding out hope the 'rainbow 6' will return in all of its 'designed on an Apple II' glory. :D


But they're still forecasting the weather as it if was the '70s... Highs in the 70s, Lows in the 50s. Meteorology and weather forecasting doesn't do that anymore.


It's a large geographical area, and the audience often influences what they say as far as temperatures, so they might stick with the estimates rather than precision (especially near the lake, where it's often 5-10 degrees cooler than inland). I just saw one of my local meteorologists Facebook-poll their followers to see if a current conditions map rundown was needed; they said the corporate tinkerers asked them to cut some chaff from their segments (the universal answer among the poll was 'of course are you crazy for removing that?!', by the way).

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It looks like none of the $1,000,000+ went toward a new logo. What a shame.


Their current logo's been around since 2015, replacing the 2008 logo with 'TV6' in an oval.


But it's a cool looking set, though.

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It is a definite improvement. That said, y'all do realize this is a standard Gray set right? Not trying to burst any bubbles or anything. KOLN in Lincoln has the same gigs. (More or less. The main monitor array is oriented vertically than horizontally)


It looks like none of the $1,000,000+ went toward a new logo. What a shame.


What's wrong with their logo? Certainly better than, say, WEWS.


But they're still forecasting the weather as it if was the '70s... Highs in the 70s, Lows in the 50s. Meteorology and weather forecasting doesn't do that anymore.


Seriously. They can't even give a set temperature for the next day? Talk about a way to cover your asses. "Well temperatures today were in the 50s, so our forecast was right on the money!" Ok, sure, yeah, of course it is when you allow yourself a 10 degree spread to be right.

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