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Male Fashion Disasters


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Hmmm...based on a cursory glance I would guess Mike Ross is the best-dressed man at your station?


My vote, based on seeing them every day would go to sports guy Charlie Sokaitis, John Tracy actually does really well (I think his wife might dress him ;)) Mike has a really limited wardrobe, but it still looks pretty good

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FOX5 is definatley not ready for the Suit-Per Bowl! On tonight's 6 broadcast both Rick and Dick had all buttons buttoned....why God...why must they mistreat their nice suits...and why do I even try to educate the uncultured?

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Greetings, Possums!


Time for another Fashion Round-up, full of what a troll called on another site “scarily obsessive and libelous” commentary and opinion! Well, what else is The Internet for? Let’s get started!


First of all, as Lenten season begins today I know my readers are all pondering “what is SuitSnob giving up for Lent?” This year, I will be giving up picking on Don Dahler and Phil Lipoff for Lent! “What?” you might wonder, “But SuitSnob just LOVES picking on them…how can he stop?” The answer, my dear children is both of them have shown a marked rehabilitation in their criminal careers of assault on suits!


Yes, you heard it right:


1) Incredibly dapper, perfectly accessorized, handsome Phil has not buttoned the bottom button on his damn suit coat in weeks! No longer are we forced to see a high-quality garment either fitting like a straightjacket or drooping/ riding up and over his sternum. Well done, Phil!


2) Not quite-so-perfect Don Dahler has also not buttoned his bottom button in weeks. Also, dare I say…it seems CBS2’s newest anchor might actually be seeing a fashion consultant…might I actually suggest his appearance is looking quite polished and professional with alarming frequency? I would almost guess that he (gulp!) hired a FASHION CONSULTANT or at least got a smart girlfriend or a Gay man to take him shopping.



We all know that SuitSnob will lay off any man who makes an effort to improve his wardrobe and on-air appearance. So, save for something REALLY horrendous on-air such as a lime green sweater vest with a red blazer from Sears, SuitSnob vows no fashion attacks on Phil or Don through Easter! It pisses me off too, because they gave us this GREAT new emoticon to play with:




(I do have to post this great screencap of Phil looking like Joe Cool on behalf of the LOFTs . :rolleyes: My God…he even had great taste in shades! :))






Oh no…no Phil or Don…who can I possibly pick on from The Usual Suit-spects? Hmmm….who to pick….oh, I say….LONNIE!!!!!


Lonnie is back to bottom button buttoning with great frequency. Now that Good Day seems to have dropped their little dance let’s see the new dance craze:




Remember how to do this:


1) Button all buttons of your suit coat and look like an ignorant rube who can’t dress himself.


2) Have it restrict your movement while pointing to the map and hoping the viewers don’t notice that you aren’t a real meteorologist and can’t find “North” on the map.


3) Go to sit down and have the tightness of the coat shove your tie up and out in a sloppy manner.





Steps 1 and 2



Step 3





Steps 1 and 2



Step 3





FUN! FUN! FUN!!! Anyone want to try at home? But nobody, NOBODY does it better than Lonnie!




Side note: After spending most of last year struggling to up his style, Mr. Wragge is really becoming more and more Dapper Dan by the day as he is finally settling into a solid, personal style in his shirt and tie choices. Coupled with his movie star looks, he is really becoming a Fashion Force to be reckoned with.




Speaking of men with movie star looks, Marvel Scott continues to struggle with shirt collars that desperately need starch and collar stays, and lousy ties tied around them:




Lee Goldberg, if you are reading this: Be a pal and give him some of your old ties. C-list Lee ties are better than A-list Marvel ties.


(PS Marvel, please don’t beat me up if we ever meet…I have seen your biceps and am afraid…VERY afraid!)


End of Part 1!

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Part Deux:


Sorry, but back to the button issue, but DICK BRENNAN! Why, oh why do you do this to yourself? :rolleyes:




Do you see how natty, elegant and handsome he could look in this outfit? Why must he destroy it by making it look as if he is wearing a tube sock around his middle? Let’s have a close-up:




Does Mr. Brennan have no vanity and WANTS it to look as if his fit, trim self has a gut? I shudder to imagine a CNN or network executive seeing him looking so foolish and inexperienced. Someone, somewhere in Dick’s sphere-it is time for an intervention! What a waste of a generally terrific wardrobe and unmistakably great talent.:ack: :) :bang:



OK, once again…is this some new fashion statement? What is with these guys wearing French cuffs with no cufflinks?



(still better than his tie-bar debacle last year…but still love ya, Andre!)



And, much as it pains me….let me once again end on a nice note. Let’s look at a guy at WNBC who almost always gets it right…a long overdue celebration of Rob Morrison:




Always tailored without looking tight or restricted, conservative yet attractive…damn handsome to boot! Don’t we all wish we could look this good?



I guess I am still overdue for the promised Year in Review installment…maybe I’ll do a Suit Oscars instead when the Academy Awards come around? ‘Til then, love and kisses…and to the person who engaged me in a flame war on another site:


Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but going to the trouble of trying to pretend to be several people posting in a sad game of Good Cop/ Bad Troll and then when it was discovered they were all posting from the same IP claiming to be multiple people who happened to be using the same computer at a professional office/ Media Watchdog Group where apparently the “legal staff” is working at 2 am and starting flame wars on a company computer-well, that is just sad and pathetic-but still quite flattering!!!!





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Mr. Snob if I may ask a simple question. Saturday I have a date with a camera and teleprompter, I recently bought a shirt that has a pretty flimsy collar with no slots for collar stays, I think I already know the answer to this question but I'll ask just to be sure: Tie or no tie with that shirt?

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Kind of tricky AlaskaBoy...do you know if it is a spread or point collar? You should of course wear a tie if you are going to be on camera to help frame your face; plus if the collar is flimsy you will wind up looking like Rob Malcolm when he wears an open-collar shirt with the collar flopping away-at least a tie will help keep its shape somewhat.


Or maybe you need a better shirt!:rolleyes: If you can point me to a pic of the shirt online, I might be able to get a better idea.

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Now that I look at it the stripes will probably be too tight for the camera, but in general dressing-upness should a shirt with a flimsy collared shirt and no stay slots ever have a tie?


I have a solid light blue shirt that I will probably use.

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You could use that shirt with a solid tie and a solid or very light pinstripe suit (Very Wragge-ish). Hard to tell without seeing the top button buttoned, but it looks like it could accomodate a four-in-hand tie knot;or a Half-Windsor.


A solid light blue shirt is very versitile.

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Much obliged!


Isn't it a comfort to know that you can make an error up there at a small Alaska station and still look sharper and more-sophisticated then some men in New York City? A comfort to you, sad for NYC!

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Dear Mr. Snob.


The truly wonderful thing about the Internet is how people like you can post mean-spirited comments anonymously, as someone on another board said, with absolutely none of the repercussions you would face in the real world, like, for instance, a punch in the nose, or derisive laughter from those around you who wonder why a presumably grown man cares so deeply and pathologically about other men’s clothing. You might want to discuss that in more detail with your therapist. I congratulate you on your secret little safe place, where you can lash out at those you resent, or envy, and lavish praise on those you lust after. I suggest you up your meds, though, because there’s a considerable amount of pent-up anger in some of your comments. That woman, Nannette, tried to explain to you the things you don’t understand, and you, a guest columnist for a blogsite, called her a bitch. Nice going. Really classy. Just goes to show, the clothes don’t make the man I guess. Does the term “postal” mean anything to you? Warn your neighbors; I sense you are truly disturbed on so many levels.


Funny how that other blog had to shut down the comment section because so many people were writing in to tell you you’re full of shit. They had to protect you. And you then run over to another site to claim it was all from one guy “flaming” you. Right. That’s why they closed the comment forum rather than just flag that IP as abusive. You’re a fraud and a sad little man.


You revel in your anonymity, but you forget that people talk. Did you really think being a contributor to a high school student’s blog would keep your identity secret?


You’re a middle-aged, pudgy, homely store clerk with way too much time on his hands and a huge chip on his shoulder. The photo of the male model you put on your posts is laughable in how much an antithesis it is to your true appearance. You can, of course, deny these facts. But they are facts and anything you say contrary to them is just more cowardly lying.


And I’d be careful which downloads you keep on your hard drive – your sins will surely find you out.


The mere fact that you spend so much time on this endeavor really should tell you something about yourself, your life, your values, your chemical imbalance. You’ve posted here hundreds of times, over three thousand times on a Survivor TV site, and countless other times on other boards. That’s astounding. It shows how much of a real life you don’t have. It shows how you don’t have any real friends, and pathetically seek the approval of the others who post here by attacking the men you see on TV. Because you don’t amount to anything at all, so therefore, you must tear down the ones you envy so much.


I’m very, very sorry you were bullied as a child. I’m sorry about your bald spot and paunch, your weak eyes and tiny bank account. I’m sorry you can’t have those anchormen you crave tickling your tonsils the way you so obviously and masturbatorily fantasize about.


The thing is, though, I’m a friend of some of these people you so cowardly attack. I heard about that little bitch fest of yours on another site and decided to check it out, and was sorely sorry I did. You and your two or three snickering cohorts miss a few very important things. It’s not about the suit. Sorry to destroy your image of the world as you think it should be, but it’s really not, any more than it’s about Barack Obama’s overbite or John McCain’s choice of car. Yes, some of these guys can dress more stylishly. But some of them, maybe not all, but certainly the ones I know, care so much more about doing what they do well. And if you really knew the experience and credentials and contributions of some of those you heap scorn on, I think you’d be ashamed. You should be, anyway. But you’re too focused on looks to make any such effort. And such is your right. This country allows people like you to seek their pathetic little dark places in which to pretend their opinion actually matters to someone.


You, as a part of your nothing life, criticize things you obviously know nothing about. I’m in the news business, and what you keep harping on is flat wrong.


For instance; as the woman you bullied pointed out, some of their suits occasionally ride up at the collar because they have to wear a piece of technology called an IFB, and the button that connects to the earpiece is located on the back of their neck and attached to their shirt collar. This is true. If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn’t have made an issue of that. Just this morning, Harry Smith’s collar did the same thing, but you could see the button and wire when he turned his head.


Many anchormen button their bottom button when sitting down so the tie and shirt don’t show behind the desk. They pull the back of the jacket down and sit on that to make the shoulder line clean. But buttoning the bottom button keeps the tie from peeking out. Yes, they should unbutton them when standing, but you know, when they’re talking about a dead child or who might be the next president, some things just don’t seem as important. To anyone but you, of course. And the sad people who simply want to be a part of something, anything, that would accept them. Ah…so much like high school, isn’t it? Let the geeks and nerds band together and pretend for a few precious moments they’re better than everyone else. Forgetting that such snide remarks and biases and ignorant comments are all the things that make their lives so unbearable. You are what you hate, Mr. Snob. You are what you fear. You are a pathetic, judgmental, unsuccessful, breath-wasting nothing.


And my guess is, were you to post an authentic picture of yourself on your cowardly website, the website that closed down the comment forum because so many people were telling you you’re full of shit, we’d all really enjoy what an image of perfection you truly are.


Now, rail away at the horrors of bad suits. And know that in the larger scheme of things, none of these men cares one whit about what you think. And neither do the executives who pay them millions, and the viewers who admire them, and their fellow journalists who bestow awards of merit on their work.


You are Chicken Little, and that’s not sky that’s falling. That’s the excrement of your meaningless life smacking you squarely on your be-pimpled noggin. Feast, oh thou bacterium, feast.

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By reading what you say, Samson. I only have one piece of advice. Stop hating on SuitSnob! Damn are you bitter or someone rub the wrong (or right) way. You are saying that He is wasting his time on this site I say BullS!@^ to you sir because you just wasted your time writing a post that Boils down to WAAAAAAHHHHH! Put down the keyboard, step away from the computer and take a walk. It might be the best thing for you to find your brain.

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I closed the comment portion of that particular article because it was becoming childish. Pointless bickering and name-calling wasn't the topic of the article.


His words reflect his own opinions, and I had no need to protect him. I didn't want the main attracting to my site to be the "flame-war" someone started.

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NYNW you're a hypocrite.


You let him flame others but the minute someone calls him out on his lack of knowledge, you shut them down. So you allow that idiot his opinions but prevent anyone from challenging him. It's called censorship. Look it up. Your blog is one-sided and unfair. Suit Snob is the bitter, childish one. You allowed him to call a woman who had legitimate comments a bitch on your site, when he's the supposedly "expert" guest columnist.


That reflects as poorly on you as it does him.

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Why this matters.


Civilization exists because of one thing: accountability. In the real world if you say something insulting or slanderous or libelous, if you break a law; if you molest a child, if you cheat on your taxes, there are ramifications. On the Internet, you can say anything you want and get away with it. Which is fine. Except that this dolt, this Suit Snob, says things under the guise of expertise which are nothing more than mean-spirited attacks on people who have names and face, unlike him. These are real people with real feelings. And this jerk can attack them without having to show his bona fides, without having to listen to counter-arguments, without any action for his own actions. That's why he's such a coward. Joan Rivers and Mr. Blackstone or Blackrock or whatever the hell his name is, even if they're full of crap, at least they're "man" enough to show their faces and give their names. Accountability. Suit Snob is a flabby shadowman, a shit from a lizard, who says things that are cruel and untrue. And anyone who takes his word for truth eats from the same table as he.

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and to the person who engaged me in a flame war on another site:


Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but going to the trouble of trying to pretend to be several people posting in a sad game of Good Cop/ Bad Troll and then when it was discovered they were all posting from the same IP claiming to be multiple people who happened to be using the same computer at a professional office/ Media Watchdog Group where apparently the “legal staff” is working at 2 am and starting flame wars on a company computer-well, that is just sad and pathetic-but still quite flattering!!!!








Man...talk about taking the bait hook, line and sinker...that took quicker than I thought! Less than 12 hours!



I especially love this quote, so we might just believe this is not the same person:


I heard about that little bitch fest of yours on another site and decided to check it out, and was sorely sorry I did.


Oh, and never mind that the syntax and phrases match the previous poster(s) perfectly.

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you know I admit to sometimes thinking Mr. Suit goes too far in his posts. But the thing is he is funny. And haven't some guys locally changed their wardobes for the better since this started and admitted it was because of this?


You, Mr. Samson, I think if Dr. Phil were to look at the content of your posts and Suitsnobs posts side by side he would definately think you are the mentally unbalanced one. I don't even think you need to be a doctor to figure that one out.

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I'm not here to argue, nor will I begin to.

Just to clarify, I never placed suitsnob as an "expert." He was able to bring something new and different to the table.

Also, I never COMPLETELY restricted anyone access to discussing the topic, if you had of read my closing message completely, you'd find that I offered for the discussion to be continued at the forums on NYNW.

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I'm not here to argue, nor will I begin to.

Just to clarify, I never placed suitsnob as an "expert." He was able to bring something new and different to the table.

Also, I never COMPLETELY restricted anyone access to discussing the topic, if you had of read my closing message completely, you'd find that I offered for the discussion to be continued at the forums on NYNW.

But are you really a "high school student with a blog" as per his post?

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Yes, it's in the "about" section.



Does this mean that some of the other thoughtful comments are true as well? Are you REALLY going to reveal my secret identity? Great. OK, I guess it was inevitable this day would come...I might as well post my picture...


























Now, if you will all excuse me, the FBI is pounding on my door with a supeona for my hard drive.... ;)





(PS I am pleasantly suprised that NYNW hasn't even gone to college yet...go to his site-what a command of language and thought for a kid. Can you imagine how intimdating and accomplished he will be in 10 years? Sheesh!!!)

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To be clear...


NYNW, I have nothing against you or your blog, other than the fact that you created a forum for this loser's vile comments. I'm actually impressed with your enthusiasm for our business and wish you luck.


My fight is only with the jerk. And speaking of him, he wants to think I'm the same person who was calling him out on the NYNW blog. I am not. If he actually could see IP numbers he'd know that. His silly "it's the same syntax" shows about as much knowledge as his sartorial commentaries. He can't imagine that there are others who disagree with him.


I realize he'll continue on, not realizing he's actually the troll. I realize others will chortle along with him, because as someone said, he can be funny. But usually it's a cruel humor, and weak people are drawn to that because it's fun to tear down others you see as better than yourself, and there's also a certain aspect of relief you're not the butt of his jokes.


He'll flame back, but I don't care. I had my say. I hope there are some who read these posts and see him for what he is.


Bullies take all kinds of forms. He might be frail and pathetic in person, but he's a bully on the Internet. And the only way to fight any kind of bully is to knock them in the teeth.


Suit Snob -- you won't, I'm sure -- but if you'd like to meet in person to discuss this in the real world, feel free to send me a private message with your contact info. We can hash this out like real men. Prove to me you're not the coward I think you are.

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