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Everything posted by A3N

  1. Hmmm, let's see... There's: Whitney Southwick Mark Mathis Craig Herrera Greg Bledsoe Matt Baylow Shawn Styles Dave Scott Brad Wills I want to say Dave Scott? And if I may ask, why "chaps?"
  2. KFMB going back...not likely unless they cancel Judge Judy and even then, it's a big if. KUSI, maybe but not in the near future. I usually tune into to NBC 7 by default because the other choices are atrocious.
  3. The 4pm offerings in this market are pitiful. KGTV's product blows, KNSD is stale, XETV...Who? and KSWB, meh. Makes me miss the old days of News 8/Local 8 News at 4pm. At least Beth Shelburne and Kathleen Bade made me stick around. Who's Miss Piggy? Monica Dean?
  4. When the head honchos at ABC get desperate, they make stupid moves/mistakes. Just ask The View...
  5. A3N

    Out & About

    She never really fit in, tbh. She seemed like the odd duck of the group. While there was somewhat good chemistry between her, Dan and Nichelle, something just seemed off. On a side note, do you know what's up with KFMB's newsroom? Are they remodeling it or did they do something with the area with all the monitors?
  6. I stopped watching last week. Terrible show. Ariel looks like he's about to fall asleep at any moment, and Anne seems lost. Angelica looks like she doesn't want to be there. Have you noticed that they're doing more walking around the set/ standing up during the other newscasts? This new ND is really sinking their product even more.
  7. A3N

    Out & About

    So, KFMB is once AGAIN looking for a morning meteorologist. Saw the job posting on their website. Currently, Kimi Evans does the AM weather, she joined the station in early May from XETV. She replaced Natasha Stenbock whom left on maternity leave and decided to stay home taking care of her twins. Not sure why they're looking to fill the AM weather position, but Evans has been out for several weeks now due to some voice/vocal cord problems.
  8. A3N

    Out & About

    ha ha ha, that's awesome. Nice find. It does stick out, that's for sure. I noticed that they were still in the rented chopper, and last night at 6:30 during the last traffic report, they were flying over downtown/coronado bridge during sunset... Beautiful.
  9. A3N

    Out & About

    I see. I still remember when Austell was doing traffic for 8 how they would do more "community involvement" with the chopper. It's been downhill ever since. I get it's a big expense, but if you're going to boast about being the "only chopper" in town, then they need to do a better job. I remember when you mentioned several months ago that Chopper 8/pilot wasn't available to cover the story involving the two elderly people who got lost leaving a casino and ultimately were found stuck in a remote area of SD County. KFMB takes too many things for granted, and thus does not step up their game. The irony is that their best days of covering news was in the mid to late 90s when they weren't #1 in ratings.
  10. A3N

    Out & About

    It doesn't really make sense for a company to own a standalone independent (who lags in revenue behind the top 4) unless it's part of duopoly.
  11. A3N

    Out & About

    I see. Thanks for the info. So in reality KFMB gets a nice return for minimum investment. Which would explain why they haven't done anything to force TTN or National to remedy the constant issues plaguing Chopper 8. I thought the chopper had a scanner. So with any breaking news or something pertinent coming in over the scanner, they have to defer to the assignment desk for info? Didn't KFMB's owners try several years ago to buy KUSI? Who would you see being a suitor for them? I'm still a bit surprised that Elizabeth Kimmel is still holding on to 8 with all these M&A's going on in the industry. Well, I guess KNSD won't have any more plugged toilets when they get their new building... I'm surprised that Staab/NBC haven't forced more of a cooperation/synergy betweens at the O&O's, it sure would save them some travel expenses if they relied more on each other. To each their own, I suppose. Then again, i'm not sure that any other NBC O&O coming in town would want to use KNSD's crappy equipment. Feel bad for the folks at KNSD.
  12. A3N

    Out & About

    I see. I don't know what KNSD's budgetary situation will be once they move into their new building. They did drop a nice chunk of change for the building itself ($9-10 million), not including the renovations and new equipment needed. So who knows if they'll be able to afford to get their own chopper back. For old time's sake, here's NewsChopper 7/39... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153202399624484 Re: KUSI. They can afford to get a new set, they just choose not to. Hasn't that been McKinnon's M.O.? Look how long it took them to get new computers and equipment... The only reason that they're investing in vehicles is because they had no choice. Those mid 90s Astros vans just couldn't hold on any longer. McKinnon must be making pretty good money if he's getting constant offers to sell the station. Also can't forget that nice chunk of change that he got a few years ago when they sold off their Texas cluster.
  13. A3N

    Out & About

    Why do they need more [new] live trucks? It's not like they have a big staff of reporters anyway. When Corsini took over at GM, I thought that he would give them a chopper. Maybe down the line?? but they would really have Southern California covered if KSWB had its own bird... Re. KNSD: Several weeks ago, I stumbled across one of the social media pages of a photog at 7, and he had posted a pic of the former newschopper 7/39. Reminiscing about the good ol' days, I suppose, but no indication that they would be getting their own chopper back. Do you know anything about the helicopter sharing agreement? like for example, can a station get out of the agreement at any time or do they have to give an X-Amount of time notice, or are they bound by to stay for a certain amount of time (i.e. one year, two years, six months, etc.)?
  14. A3N

    Out & About

    I bet. The other day they went from Vista/78 to Downtown/5 in about 15-20 minutes. No way in hell, the old clunker gets them there in that amount of time. Hell, they could use a "New & Improved CHOPPER 8" in a promo...
  15. A3N

    Out & About

    I'm surprised that National Helicopter does not have a backup chopper of their own to use. I remember the days, (before every station decided to share a chopper) when Chopper 8 went down, KFMB was screwed and had no use of the helicopter. I really enjoy the nice crisp and steady pictures from the backup chopper. Here's hoping they can keep it at some point.
  16. Will they be bringing in replacements from the other NBC O&O's?
  17. A3N

    Out & About

    It's a bit confusing since Phil Konstantin lists Total Traffic Networks as his employer, yet the helicopter is listed on National Helicopter's website. Are they the same company?
  18. A3N

    Out & About

    I wonder how much it's costing the stations to keep renting out that A-Star, while Chopper 8 is down for maintenance? Heck, KFMB upgraded some of its tower cams to HD, maybe they can get working with the chopper's owner to get it replaced. It's been down, how many times this year?
  19. [quote name='tvtime07']The real life ABC soap opera continues, talk about getting dragged in the mud. I agree with you @A3N , this has been a really petty fiasco that exploded without any significant reason. I just don't see the whole justification for this scandal, the cohosts were not directly mocking nurses during that particular discussion; but it just seems like people just hear what they want to hear and have decided that they would like to stay bitter. Through Facebook comments, I've read that some people have forgiven the show since they did that segment about nurses this morning, but the majority of these Mean Girls seem to have no mercy. I feel like we're experiencing a realtime case study of social media's mob lynching with this whole situation. Overall, ABC and the show should have buried the hatchet earlier on. It's obvious from a PR standpoint that the show should have invited Miss Colorado a couple days after this incident happened. It shouldn't have been that hard to book her, she just appeared on an ABC special a couple nights before and seems to have time to appear on television elsewhere. I do wonder if they tried booking her and Miss Colorado turned her back on such an idea; since this whole thing happened, she's appeared on Ellen and won money and she'll be flying to NYC to appear on the Dr. Oz show where she'll be part of a one hour nursing appreciation special. It's probably dark times at the halls of The View, you gotta wonder what the executives are thinking, is the show even salvageable after five conglomerates have decided to suspend their advertising to the show? I wonder if that replacement panel show would be ready by midseason at this point, they probably have created their backup plans by now if The View crumbles the next few months. The show does have the likes of Molly Simms, Stacey London and Sherri Shepherd waiting in the wings, but I highly doubt any of these ladies will be able to save the show at this point if they were to kick one of the main co-hosts to the curve. The only way I feel the show would heal would be if Miss Colorado actually guest hosted for a week on the table doing Hot Topics and if she also conducts segments about nurses for a week long special, then perhaps by then the show will having some grace left...but I really highly doubt that this would really happen, unless they're waiting to do this by sweeps.[/QUOTE] Good points. I will say that, they are probably hoping that Candace comes back and that takes some of the pressure off. I'm sure that the producers are hoping that she and Raven have a fight that will go viral (it's why they brought her to the panel in the first place). That being said, i'm surprised that ABC hasn't done better PR/damage control of the situation. I'm sure they aren't too thrilled about the sponsors situation, but from what i've read it's only been Johnson and Johnson, and Eggland's Best. J&J has "suspended" advertising on the show, meaning they are probably coming back when things settle down. ABC needs to get its sh*t together and stop this madness right now. Hell, bring Ben Sherwood on or bring Barbara Walters on and have them do an apology. Although, those bitter individuals who still fan the flames will not care either way for the apologies. People are complaining that Joy and Michelle did not apologize right away, then they apologized and "were not sincere", and complain again when they apologized again and brought the nurses in (calling it "damage control", and "too late"). So it's clear that irregardless of what they do, these people will not stop. Keyboard mobs at their finest. Add to this, the blonde "comedienne" that they brought in earlier in the week to interview about her stupid video, making fun of fat people. Well apparently she did an[URL='http://www.eonline.com/news/697366/youtube-s-nicole-arbour-revels-in-the-view-s-nursesunite-drama'] interview[/URL], and this woman is now claiming that she "overheard" Michelle talking bad about Nurses backstage. At the beginning of the season, I honestly thought that this show had another two years left (to take advantage of next year's Presidential elections). After what's happened this week, they'll be lucky if they can make it to next year. There is just way too much drama surrounding The View, and it seems like any one and every one that can publish an article talking bad about the show, is doing it. Hell, even Julie Chen couldn't keep her big mouth shut and started running her mouth on Howard Stern disclosing Barbara's desire to come back on the show to repair what was broken. Those bitching and complaining that the show should be cancelled apparently have no problem in people losing their jobs, as long as their feelings get validated. They seem to forget that there are other people working on The View aside from the hosts. The one's who will suffer are those staffers that need the job and get nowhere near the salaries of the hosts. Yet, that doesn't matter to those that got "offended" ...
  20. I thought that as well. She's been a lot more subdued recently with her crappy jokes. I think Candace will be back at the table in less than 2 weeks. I'm curious to see what will happen then. Will Joy take days off like scheduled, or will they use Candace's return to push Michelle into a "Contributing" role. Although, I must say, that while the whole nurses fiasco was much ado about nothing, Joy was getting the brunt of the negativity, when in reality it was Michelle's comments that started the whole thing. Keep in mind, they have Sherri available just in case...
  21. Honestly, things got blown out of proportion because of Joy's comment when she said why Miss Colorado was "wearing a doctor's stethoscope." Were Joy and Michelle ignorant and un-informed with their comments? Yes. Was it something to get overly pissed about? No. The fact that people can chime in via Facebook and Twitter only fans the flames even more. It's not as if they called nurses murderers, or some other demeaning name.
  22. It was a mess indeed. They were un-prepared for the show and it was obvious. It was clear that Ariel and Anne are not the type of anchors that can move around and read off the prompter or the ipad. I've tried to give Angelica Campos a shot, but she just comes across as cold, very little emotion and her delivery is not as fluid as the other weather women in the market.
  23. They won't do the 6 person panel too much. When Candace returns, they'll probably do it for a few days to get her acclimated then Joy will take some days off (she said so herself). So really, the only day that Joy is a sure bet will be on Fridays-- and days that Whoopi is off. That being said, I predict that all hell will break loose between Raven and Candace on a day when Joy is not there.
  24. You did a good job, very thorough. I will agree with you that Michelle needs to go. Joy or no Joy, she was never a good fit for the show. Her "jokes" come at the most in-opportune times and even Joy looks annoyed. When Joy is serious, then you know it's not the time to crack jokes, and obviously Michelle doesn't get it. Raven... Dumb as rocks. Does bring a different vibe to the show, I will say. I agree that maybe she would best be suited for the pop-culture segments. Or better yet, have her become a contributor that has her own segment. Sherri was a good fill-in today. It seems like she doesn't look too comfortable with the other panelists. Maybe that will get better with time, who knows. Paula... there's something about her... I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just don't think she fits on the panel. She comes across as inauthentic, at least to me. Then she uses the "journalist" card, and quite frankly, I don't consider her at the same level as Meredith, or even Deborah Roberts (whom they should have hired as the journalist of the panel). Today's politics segment made me miss Nicolle Wallace even more. Ana was good, but she came across as real bitchy and cold to the other guest (Mark, something, can't remember). Joy did OK for her first time moderating of the season. She looked a bit nervous and lost at times, but that will improve. I did like how she pegged Michelle a few notches when she was trying to crack her "jokes" and Joy would say "whatever." You could tell that Raven and Michelle were a little bit more behaved with Whoopi away from the table... and that's a good thing.
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