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Action Newsroom

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Everything posted by Action Newsroom

  1. I don't have to tell you, but that title screams "redundant" like Nickelback screams "crappy rock music made for douchebags who drink Blue Ribbon".
  2. Justin Finch is leaving after 2 years. He has not yet announced where he'll go next. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/entertainment/television/CBS3s-Justin-FInch-departs.html?mobi=true
  3. Right now, as we speak, I'm inside the main news studios of Fox 29; The Q is filming it's Halloween Show, and I'm in the audience. I'll post some up-close pics soon.
  4. Uhh...Mess that they created? They didn't talk with Ryan Lochte about the incident in Rio that screwed him (and--for a bit--Team USA) over and came to the conclusion that he "embellished" the truth. They didn't get into a heated argument with Al Roker to foolishly defend him. And they damn sure didn't get into a super creepy and inappropriate discussion with Donald Trump about making a run at (married) Nancy O'Dell and ending it with implied sexual assault. He did. What he got into he put on himself. And they never would've known (or had the foresight) about the boneheaded mistakes he made to have gotten him (and them by extension) into this sad predicament. Sure, to give you credit, NBC execs (specifically those at Today) hired him in place of Natalie Morales (who wanted a different job before then anyway) for and took too long to remove him from Today after the Olympics (IMO), but bullcrap if you want to believe that NBC started the mess that got Bush to lose his job.
  5. Last laugh? What last laugh? HA! Michael didn't encourage misogynistic behavior either; just Billy. So I'm glad he lost his Today job. I have a little sympathy for him for losing it in so much shame, but not enough to truly feel sorry him losing it for being a really douchey assh¤le encouraging sexual harassment and assault to a then 59-year-old creepy-ass power-hungry asswipe. And it doesn't change the fact I still find Mike pretty bad at his GMA job.
  6. Wow. In a week of anchors returning to previous stations (one-two), this is just mind-boggling. I liked Drayton a lot when he was evening anchor during the turn of the decade, so he'll fit very well with the station again during early mornings.
  7. Tacky? Perhaps. Awesome? Yes. (Plus, that pause on the Statue of Liberty might as well be a nod to the open of the 80s. At least I think it is that way.)
  8. Okay, Hudson Valley and Winchester to Long Island I do understand because they're all in New York state. The Conneticut to NJ thing makes no sense as they're moving to a different state. (Sure in the same tri-state, but still). I often thought Connecticut was a cheaper state for TV production. You're right, nynl, this is pretty big
  9. Hey, you're not the one making the move; she is. She knew she was going to a station in a lower market for (possibly) a job in the mornings, but she chose it anyway. She got something new and took it. So what if it's a demotion? She's still getting work in a major city and is joining an already-established, highly-praised weather team. What's there not to accept? People move from high positions to lower ones all the time; Just like people moving to higher positions. it's not really something to sneeze at sometimes (at least to me). Just deal with it, and at least be happy for her. Whaaaat? Anyway, Comcast didn't move her out. She chose to leave for a job. They probably gave her the opportunity, but they did not push her out. AGREED x10,000
  10. Wow, what a shock. She was a very valuable member of the WCAU on-air team, and a very talented meteorologist. I'll miss her a lot in PhIlly, but she'll be just as valuable to WRC's team in DC. Salutations to Sheena for the great work she's done here and good luck to her on the great work she'll do there in the years to come.
  11. John was never in 1A at the time. In fact, neither was any other facet of Today (human or non) until 1994.
  12. Happy Halloween Month!!
  13. That was rhetotical. I know why. Because in my opinion, right now, Michael is an okay co-host. He was a great co-host on Live, but he's only good in doses here. Just like Lara was. (And look how that turned ou with her). The fact that they're giving him more time on-screen and giving him equal billing when he doesn't deserve it (IMO) will end up exactly like Lara--not a success.
  14. The Ribbons finally got a new look. Looks great. http://www.newscaststudio.com/2016/09/07/good-morning-america-gets-shorter-name-new-open/?utm_source=FB&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=FBPost And the opening is even shorter, Michael's name gets a billing and the announcer goes by "GMA". Why?
  15. Trust me, you're in for a much better experience watching CBS. Ironically (and funnily) enough, CBS actually did have a similar format for the old CBSTM back in the mid to late 90s. Co-hosts Harry Smith, Paula Zahn and Mark McEwen brought a studio audience with them to the Broadcasting Center. It's exactly what you think it would turn out--depending on your view.
  16. That makes so much sense. Why would Michael leave a talk show with a studio audience...only to join another talk show with a studio audience? Even under the GMA name? So baffling.
  17. I have. For the past several months. During their "40 For 40" livestream event, one of the producers (not sure which occupation) revealed that the ribbons are getting revamped as so they'll stretch ro down the street the Studios are on. In fact, I mentioned this several pages back on this thread. No one picked on that.
  18. Or (God forbid) News 10 Chatroulette??
  19. You may have a few good points, but I have to kindly disagree. Because just so you know: this is the Today Show, where professionalism walks toward the door as soon as the clock strikes 8. As for Roker, yes, there is a right time/place and a wrong time/place for him to make personal opinions on certain news stories. But Today's Take is a right place; it's the hour of the show where he, Tamron Hall and (now) Bush give their thoughts on the big news stories, and he had every right to voice his. Sure, the execs want him to pussyfoot with what he says on-air generally, but here his words and demeanor were IMO more or less okay enough (give or take his anger and the straw stirring). So he shouldn't be in the wrong. Bush and Lochte should. And I admit, I don't watch Today as much these days, and I can see through most of the casts' personal characteristics, so I can't tell what Al is behind the cameras, let alone in front of them; but I watched Today's Take more than a few times and I know what goes on during the first half hour. And here, I'm in the position to say he was professional enough to call out Bush and Lyin C©kte on their bull at the right time and place. I'm sure if he said that on the radio or on another TV show, I believe there's a bigger chance he'd get a pink slip from NBC and pretend to be cheerful at the unemployment line.
  20. We all have have our feelings about Al (obviously), but you cannot deny that he was absolutely correct about the Ryan Lochte situation. He said what we all thought loud and clear, and what Bush did to change around the ordeal for an interview during the interview was absolutely wrong (pathetic even). I know Bush is not a true journalist (you don't need Robin Red to tell you); but even as an entertainment reporter, he really seemed desperate to get Lochte to change his story/actions after the incident to make the latter look like a victim and clear the misconceptions about the network's Olympics coverage, and foolishly winded up making Lochte look even more like a disgrace (to his swimming team, Team USA as a whole, the people/city of Rio and his country), himself look like an idiot, the coverage still divisive, and his bosses look like half-wit numbskulls. Whether Roker grinds your gears or not, you gotta admit he was right to speak the truth and call Bush out about it. And the fact that the executives are "embarrassed" about it and tried their hardest to shush Al straight after says so much now about them than I ever thought before. Plus, the fact that Bush told Al to "calm down" made me angry and want to track him down and smack him on the head like Al looked like he wanted to do.
  21. Oh gosh, this team. I spent my mornings before school (elementary school) with them. Charlie & Diane were like a married couple (the mom and dad) as the co-anchors. Robin was the cool aunt you wish you had while doing more then just reading the news. And Tony was more than the meteorologist; he was like an honorary uncle. This team (and their era by extension) was like a second family to me (and by extension, us), and you can really tell from the chemistry with each other and with us the viewers. I wish they were #1. (yeah, I know it's cheesy)
  22. Dude looks right at home with David Letterman and Jon Sterwart. An awesome home.
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