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Posts posted by ns8401

  1. What would have stopped Scripps from giving stations the resources necessary to produce it though? I know for KSHB at least they've hired reporters to specifically report for the Now.

    Scripps is dying... that in and of itself is causing them to cut like mad to save the ship... new graphics, additional resources to stations... it’s all too expensive for them now and everything is getting to the point of being too far gone...

    • Like 1
  2. No need to get personal just because we disagree. You don’t know me.

    J is right I was referring to the celebrities and journalists both of which are a class above most of us... but I will never know you... why would you even bother bringing that up? Usually put that way it’s some sort of threat of violence...

  3. Well, if you want to get technical, the #MeToo movement is news and I’m sure there was stuff to report. The Oscars are news. Since when is only the bad things like murders, robberies, and bombings considered news? There is a such thing as good news. Again I will point to the content of the show, which covered all the headlines.

    Yay... the opinions of disconnected people reported by disconnected people. Oh goody.

    • Like 3
  4. They reported from the scene of a major event. What’s the big deal? If the whole newscast was about the Oscars, then I’d be pissed. But as long as they reported all the news stories of the day, what’s the big deal about the backdrop.


    I don’t understand why this is a big deal.

    Because the Oscars really aren’t News... it’s fun. News is things that actually effect people. How does an Oscar personally effect anybody? Does anyone actually go postal over it or does a family not eat over it?

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. Former WXYZ reporter Tara Edwards is suing both Scripps and Channel 7 for harassment by Morning Anchor Malcom Maddox... he’s now been pulled off the air indefinitely... earlier this year he was placed on leave for similar allegations... now they don’t have a lead anchor or a morning anchor... it’s a sinking ship...



  6. Jenny Milkowski is out. Who's next? I hope the new traffic girl rents just in case (or when) WGN Morning News gets blown up by $inclair. Like I said on FB, wasn't surprised by this. Thought she would leave before being pushed out, but oh well. She has a following and will find a better fit for her in time.


    Apparently she has landed a gig on 100.3 WSHE as their afternoon drive personality along with Jay Stiles... at least she landed on her feet... she starts March 29th...

  7. That is true, they are number one because they are in the number one city, which happens to like ABC programming. So they do have that advantage. I do agree, I don't think they'd be on the same boat if it were a different market. They just need to be refreshed. I feel like the broadcasts have been stale and the on-air presentation is kinda lazy if you will. I'm hoping with the new leadership things will change.

    They have become very complacent... being the top for long enough usually does that...

    • Like 1
  8. I guess every station has their ups and downs. Despite it all they still manage to be the #1 Watched station in the nation. They've have been for a long time.

    Yes because they are in the biggest city... a pet rock in NYC would be too... that’s the most absolutely meaningless boast in the business.

    • Like 4
  9. That would be very unfortunate...


    It seems like a solid bet that new graphics are coming, sooner rather than later, too. Helvetica remains the primary font, and the newscast logo receives the updated Circle 7, but I think it's a safe bet that they'll fall in line with the sister stations in debuting a flatter look. This slick new promo started running Wednesday, and based on some social media posts, a version with Cheryl and Larry should be coming soon.




  10. Sounds like no replacement is needed for Joanne Purtan. I'm guessing they'll go outside to hire Stephen's replacement.


    NEWGUY/Carolyn - 4/6/7/11

    Dave/Glenda - 5/10

    Malcolm/Alicia - Mornings/Noon

    Noon solo.. only one seat downtown ... but LewAllen deserves the seat... he’s the senior talent at 7... you’re probably right on an outside hire though which is a shame.

  11. What's the anchor line-up look like now?


    Alicia Smith and Malcom Maddox


    JoAnne Purtan


    Carolyn Clifford and JoAnne Purtan

    5pm and 10pm:

    Dave LewAllen and Glenda Lewis


    Stephen Clark and Carolyn Clifford


    Clark and Purtans replacements haven’t been named yet because they aren’t gone yet.

  12. I’m still baffling. I still don’t understand why he would leave 20 years of KGW for a bigger market at WGN.


    I can only think of TEGNAitis as to blame.

    I hope the first paragraph is sarcasm... he probably just doubled his money...

    • Like 4
  13. I can't see them selling off WXYZ/WMYD and continue to survive as a company.


    Unless it's a Warren Buffett-type deal a la WPLG, that would immediately be seen as waving the white flag and setting themselves up for an outright sale. So why not just unload the entire chain then?

    That last scenario has been bouncing around for a while (cue the speculation but take it to the speculatron if you please).

    • Like 1
  14. WXYZ is still far and away the largest station in their portfolio. I would be astounded to see them unload it.


    If anything, WXYZ will be like WEWS, WMAR and WKBW... underperformers but still with value regardless. (Although WKBW's issues still mostly predate Scripps management.)

    The way they are unloading what little longtime talent they have left one would think somethings up... there were some rumblings here and there. I’ve always gotten the Sears feeling from Scripps... they need cash and their situation is worse than is being let on...

    • Like 1
  15. These shots were all taken individually, but it looks like the literally cropped Jerry out of an existing group collage. I wonder if they can't find the original photos to fill the gap. :D



    The clouds in the background thank abc7’s web team for their newfound 15 minutes of fame...

    • Like 2
  16. Major shifts are about to be underway at Scripps' original Circle 7: so far, it is known that Denise Isaac and Joanne Purtan will be let go.



    I presume this has to do with the corporate restructuring mentioned at the top of this page.

    It would be directly a result of Scripps eating its own but we were promised Purtan was out last month... FTV Live isn’t perfect...


    Denise Isaac is way better in Spanish than English so that’s no shock at all and her contract is up anyways.


    Then there’s Stephen Clark leaving... best guess is they are gonna sell the station sooner or later... it’s an underperformer in a shrinking market and Scripps doesn’t need it anymore.

  17. Look for more long time veterans to "retire" its been happening the last year or so.




    Scripps is struggling, the last thing on their minds are graphics.

    I’ve heard rumblings some of the TV stations are going on the block too... so if more folks are retired it could be to slim down those stations before a sale.

    • Like 1
  18. Useless... maybe. It’s worthy of a mention though because in the past whenever something out of the norm has occurred it's usually been a preclude to some sort of a change or retirement. Besides, the Chicago posters do this all the time.

    A little good natured ribbing... practically everybody here is full of useless information... nobody can cure cancer with it but it’s good enough for a hobby.

    • Like 7
  19. Sorry but you’re wrong. I watch the noon news regularly. If either Sarah or Rick are off, the other person anchors solo, no matter the day. If they both are off, the fill-in is either Matt solo or Alicia solo. Only once recently has there been two fill-ins (Tamela and Jeanette).


    The last and only time besides that they have had fill-ins in the Rick/Sarah era was when they initially were testing Sarah with Walter Sunday nights.

    You may have too much useless information. It’s great trivia though...

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