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Posts posted by ns8401

  1. I like how a lot of people on here think this rebrand was a knee-jerk reaction that they just decided to do one afternoon.


    Believe me, they focus grouped this stuff, and did their research, and it took months to settle on this brand and logo combo. YOU may not like it, but apparently the research and focus groups did.

    If you don’t offer the current logo as an either or then the focus group can only change to something new... just sayin...

    • Like 2
  2. WEWS is moving "Right This Minute" to 3:30pm next week after "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." Then, on September 17th, the station will expand its Noon newscast back to a full-hour.

    The latest to want political $ with the general election season underway no doubt...

    • Like 4
  3. It’s been incredibly painful watching Stelter and Oliver Darcy defend this on Twitter. This is now the second Russia “bombshell” CNN has blown and has refused to admit their mistake and retract the story.


    And POTUS has capitalized on it:




  4. Why hasn't CNN retracted or corrected the 100000% fake story. Everybody else retracted the false story.


    Who is CNN pretending to protect?

    Not the "source" Mr. Davis.


    Are they protecting the reputation of Carl Bernstein (google him kids) or are they just dead-set on poisoning the CNN brand forever?


    Why do the owners allow this to continue. It's not like it's making any money. Is the DNC ready to jump in and support CNN through the next few years?


    This is painful to watch.

    And to read... said calmly with no chest puffing... scouts honor.

    • Like 1
  5. I will be happy to debate you or anyone else at any time....anywhere.


    All I ask is that you come armed with verifiable FACTS and not a bunch of talking points or emotional garbage. I would expect you to also have a very deep knowledge of the subject including all relevent players and legal scenarios currently being discussed by the pointy bearded university types.



    I look forward to your invitation.





    These goes that stupid KBEX airplane....AGAIN!



    I’m game...


    I’ll let you name the place and time...

    • Like 2
  6. This has become too painful to witness.

    The once mighty CNN degrades it's product to the lowest of the low.


    And people wonder why CNN is called "fake news"?


    Here is why...



    Now I "get" that CNN wants to be the network to "Bring down Trump", but it will never happen because CNN has destroyed it's own brand...that BRAND was credibility.


    CNN is done as a legit news org. Nobody can save CNN now. Just like the catholic church it needs to be torn down for good...and then MAYBE rebuilt from scratch.


    The only saving grace is that hardly anybody (less than 250,000 viewers per week) watch CNN. More people last week watched Rick and Morty (pretty funny show) on Cartoon Swim.


    Like watching a good friend commit suicide in front of you...


    Good Bye CNN.



    There goes that KBEX-TV "EatNews One"....




    They’ve joined FOX then as a non legit news org. which should be an honor as highly rated as FOX is...


    I won’t expect a reply though... when I point out how much of a joke FOX is you go silent running...

    • Confused 1
  7. From Mayra, The 3pm show will be a half hour. J! is moving to 1pm. Millonaire at 1:30. IE stays at 3:30pm.


    ** COUGH ** Election Season ** COUGH **


    Seriously, nobody mentioned that in the last page and a half... it’s an ad grab and nothing more...

    • Like 2
  8. The President has been very clear recently...and most educated folks agree that...


    FAKE NEWS is the Enemy of the People.


    Start using real "sources" and start confirming stuff in triple.


    You might get some viewers back of you do your job in an unbiased way as you are supposed to.


    NO Fake News!

    So FOX goes first?

    • Like 6
  9. By my count Rivera is only 28 (went to school with my best friend's wife, same grad class). He seems to be on a good track. One thing I picked up on in the last few months are his mannerisms. Dead ringer for Krashesky.


    As for Stacey, I agree that she's a little extreme in her light and serious delivery, but I think she does the former better than Jordan and the latter better than Burton.

    So his delivery is a bit stilted with some body gyrations?

    • Like 2
  10. When did Carey come in to town? 2000 or 2001? I remember the news article that WJBK 10pm was nipping on WXYZ 11pm. The article went on how Neil Goldstein then ND at FOX 2 brought the morale up. I remember around 04/05 XYZ & ABC was riding high. It seem once Grace Gilchrist retired and Marla Drutz was passed over for her job, and she went over to DIV. The change in numbers started and Scripps went bipolar on those in-house shows. Maybe towards her end the numbers came down. Once Oprah left the airwaves that 5pm news crashed. That was a stable #1 then.

    Carey came in late in 2000 and turned the whole thing into a WABC clone. Oprah had her final show after it fell off a cliff around mid 2008 or so and then Andrea was gone by 2010.

    • Like 1
  11. WXYZ was #1 under her. Bill Carey didn't do anything earth shattering IMO.

    It slowly disintegrated from 2004 until she was fired in 2010. Bill Carey actually brought it to number 1 before he left and she inherited that.

  12. How so? She worked at number of stations. She also worked at WXYZ started in the 80s and have several jobs at Channel 7. In the 2000s she was news director.

    She like everyone in VP role. She'll be there for sometime and get burned out, and leave to spend more time with her family. Plus make alot of money in the process. She'll be ok, but no worse than all the others that came before her or after her.

    She ran it into the ground and was said to be hard to work under...

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