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Posts posted by ns8401

  1. 7 hours ago, Samantha said:

    It's very different when it's a sporting event versus a newscast. A sporting event can still be somewhat understandable in another language. A newscast, not so much.


    But putting down Spanish-language television stations who are doing just as much work for their communities in news and public service is being discriminatory to what they do simply because it's not in a language you understand.

    Who said anybody didn’t do good for the community? I’m simply saying the comparison is a little shady and ham-fisted and is bent to make their results look better. You think the folks in a PR department have Walter Kronkite level honesty or something? All It demonstrates is that the demos are shifting... that’s not an accomplishment by anybody... it’s a byproduct of a change in viewer composition... then it gets played off as if they 100% worked for it against all of the other stations and that nothing changed external to their efforts...


    As for being in a language I don’t understand and being discriminatory or whatever you are trying to accuse me of that has nothing to do with it. Don’t bring that kind of crap into the discussion. I’m not here for that kind of “you’re a racist” garbage. You don’t like my criticism that’s fine and we can talk about it. Don’t you dare try to win an argument by putting words in my mouth.

  2. 1 hour ago, oknewsguy said:

    Yes you do because in Soccer if you watch the match in Spanish, you need context and understanding of how they use terms in Spanish and be able to translate it into English, it's just like watching TV News in Spanish so therefore it does make sense

    Or none of the explanations or comparisons bandied about here has any basis in reality. You guys are treating apples and avocados as a fair comparison thus letting some idiot in Spanish language marketing pull a fast one on you... this topic repeatedly gets serious attention around here as if it’s really an oh wow truth for god knows what reason...


    One audience (English only) doesn’t have a choice and another does (bi-lingual) and still another can only speak Spanish... regardless of language is a terrible statistic to bandy about and it makes the Spanish language stations look better than they are. The English language stations are at a significant disadvantage in this game. Many of the bi-lingual have English as a second language... if I started off with Spanish and learned broken English and had a choice I would go with what I knew the best and could completely comprehend... so many of these folks are joining the bandwagon out of necessity. 


    What good does this stat do for someone who only speaks English? I could watch Telemundo I guess... a majority are evidently... but I’d be watching people appear to me to be uncontrollably babbling... what good is a measurement of success that has a limited reach?


    It’s similar to what WABC does with “most watched in America”... by households sure but in the market with the most households... not a hard feat for whoever is number one. However by share it could be a station in Fargo that could claim it or in Fairbanks... one could make a compelling argument that share is a more important number...


    Three kinds of lies...

    • Like 3
  3. 8 hours ago, MorningNews said:

    Did you happen to actually read my comment or no? I'm not at all shocked by what she said, I'm shocked that she didn't realize that her mic was open and the broadcast was potentially going live. That's the equivalent of me sending political views or disparaging remarks via email at the office when I know the company monitors them. Her recklessness is what is shocking, not what she said.

    My broader point wasn’t really about you (though originally I misunderstood you to be in that crowd and that’s why it was written that way, actually clearly you are not) rather it was wondering about all those neat people who come out from cracks in the walls when someone says the “F-word”... then they retreat until it is said again... their silly shock never ceases to amaze me...

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, MorningNews said:

    What a f4cking idiot. How do these anchors still not realize that they shouldn’t say things like this when they’re mic’d whether they think they’re live or not?

    You don’t seriously believe this sort of thing is only said by your local mechanic do you?


    Why people are shocked and outraged by this stuff is beyond me...

  5. 9 hours ago, wabceyewitness said:


    No, WABC seems to have a rhyme and reason to when they air talent opens.


    They almost never air at 5pm or 11pm.. presumably to keep viewers during the transition from 4-5pm and from prime time to news.


    They always air at 4:30am, 5am, 6am, noon and 6pm unless the producer opts for the Breaking News open. 

    So... “Ah the next newscast is starting... better tune out because they are introducing people”? That’s some odd reasoning...


    People are far more likely to keep watching if they want more news or tune out if they don’t... 20 seconds of talent open won’t make or break you or everybody would do what you are describing... 

    • Like 2
  6. 52 minutes ago, Breaking News said:

    Scripps & Gray both pinching pennies.. It just seems that they don't value seasoned talent.  

    If said veteran talent is willing to take a pay cut (I know at least one guy was willing to work for $1 per year but to no avail) they should be allowed to continue until they are ready to go. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, Roadgeek Adam said:


    You say that, said person probably likely exists that is that pedantic. 




    Why would Spencer Christian want to leave KGO, where he's been for 20 years, to join WABC again, a station he spent 9 years at and probably worked this weekend as a kind gesture? 

    So you lose one or two and keep thousands... those are numbers anybody can live with...

  8. 10 hours ago, LarryFlick said:


    Forgive my snicker at this comment... after all, isn't this entire site "inside baseball"? I mean, I've seen pages of debate on fonts used on-screen! LOL!


    As for the rest, you certainly make a fair point. But I respectfully disagree. As a broadcaster, myself, I can tell you first hand that older viewers/listeners are laser focused on their favorite programs, especially those they trust to provide information. They tend to be far more critical and cognizant of absences than younger audiences. They are most sensitive to imbalance and will complain the loudest... these are actual relationships for some people. They are also now more adept and plugged into social media than you might realize. 


    I agree, but also disagree. Overall, this is a top team that doesn't need Sam (and trust me, I'm a BIG fan of his). But you might want to read the ongoing battlecry of viewers who are still asking for Bill Evans to return. Human attachment is what keeps these shows alive. It's all they have against the faster-feeding of digital content. If all they cared about was info, Bill Evans would have been forgotten in a few days. It's been six months and a LOT of viewers have not let go of his disappearance. And as terrific as Sam is (again, I'm a fan and prefer him to Bill), many would be happier to have Bill back. 

    So you are suggesting somebody might say “That rat bastard! Spending his Friday in Florida instead of on the morning news! I’m switching to GDNY!!!!!!!”?


    Said person would have a rather tenuous connection to the program if that swayed them away from it... they might envy the idea of being in Florida but c’mon... and as to your point about lineups changing... if it happens every week then they’ll get used to that arrangement and go “oh.. no Sam... it must be Friday already” and that will be about all it’ll rate.... 

  9. 3 hours ago, Geoffrey said:


    I think what's more problematic than him having fun while the rest of his colleagues are working is that he's bragging to viewers that he doesn't stay in New York. Sure, he might be there four mornings a week, but it's not really his home anymore. 

    Or to the majority of viewers too old to notice or care... well... they don’t notice or care as long as they know the weather... where he is on his days off is extremely inside baseball don’t you think?

    • Like 5
  10. 10 hours ago, NowBergen said:


    You are actually wrong on several counts.  New Yorkers are very sensitive to "flying machines" hitting buildings today, but more importantly, the area is a no fly zone - both because of what happened 9/11 and its close proximity to trump's tower and home.  The helicopters are usually restricted to the rivers and this one was to be headed south to it's home base in Linden NJ, not north.  

    Sarcasm is not your strong suit apparently...

    • Like 2
  11. 9 hours ago, jase said:


    Well...unless something was to occur during the 9-11P hrs., it wouldn't make sense to stay because the weather is unpredictable. 

    Huh... I’m used to folks sticking around till about 2am if there’s a chance of something interesting then handing it off to the morning person and going home... same crowd that breaks in for Severe Thunderstorm warnings on the other hand so maybe overkill is the policy... also different market so YMMV...

  12. On 5/23/2019 at 2:43 AM, jase said:


    Pete (WMAQ) broke in a few minutes ago & said he will again when necessary. Likely won't see Mike (WFLD) or anyone else for awhile because I believe they all live in the burbs.

    Nobody bothers staying over when this kind of weather is forecast?

  13. So what this appears to be is simply renaming The NOW, using the regular news graphics during local news, filling most of the show with the usual national cut-ins (no graphics used) and then some nifty green-screen graphics customized for the station. So The NOW is alive but in another form that folks can identify with. Some of the new custom transitions look pretty nice actually but overall this is a letdown.

  14. 4 hours ago, who?cares said:

    This seems to be flattest thing I've found that RenderON has done. Which I wouldn't not oppose as a full on news look. 

    I've heard they are coming in the fourth quarter.

    The NOW’s graphics to all and to all a good night!


    seriously... they already use an extremely flat look for those... it wouldn’t be a stretch to repurpose them on a broad scale... 


    Oh and NO orange...

  15. 1 hour ago, mardek1995 said:

    Their must runs only add insult to injury.

    That’s every stations C block... 2 or 3 stupid stories after a break from weather and before a break for sports...


    If somebody wants to be different they’ll run their last 15 minutes a night as an expanded two segment sportscast... but hey... what do I know... 

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, 24994J said:

    The dam is breaking open. The mapping software isn't new (adopted after the flagships), but that branded graphic sure is. The Helvetica style remains, but not much of a clue beyond the color scheme and the flat look. It's big like WABC, that goofy "YM" is similiar to KABC, but the look overall might not fall on either side.



    That is a fantastically terrible name and the graphic isn't much better...

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