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Everything posted by MediaZone4K

  1. My thoughts exactly. Instead of having Mary & Chris who start work pre 4:30am doing the noon, they could have used Cindy Hsu or Dick & Dana, all of whom get only 30 minutes of airtime.
  2. Thank you for articulating that respectfully. Everyone is entitled to express their opinions, the key is doing so politely and not being a keyboard warrior, unlike 24994J who consistently disrespects users on these boards despite being a moderator.
  3. Ah yes, your daily dose of condescension and talking to people any way you want in these threds. . "We?" Speak for yourself. IMO This picture is a perfect illustration of poor grainy lighting compared to the more brightly lit, slicker looking appearence of Mornings on 10. Poor lighting compared to the sets of the competition even.
  4. This is what I mean by abysmal. Even if the set isn't great the lighting would elevate it like the Mornings on 10 look does.
  5. Y&R is in terrible shape writing and aesthetic wise but it still pulls an -old- audience and shockingly remains #1 against other soaps. Nostalgia has to be the reason because quality certainly isn't. Despite one of the better performing daytime shows being renewed for 4 years I'm suprised there's still talk about if CBS will put a newscast in the slot. Is CBS is rushing to add midday news as its national product (even the o&o local version) isnt a top performer outside of 60 Minutes and Sunday Morning? Younger demo maybe?
  6. WCBS is making big changes with Dick Brennan and Dana Tyler being booted from the 6pm news as 5/11pm anchors Maurice & Kristine take over. Dick will go back to reporting as Dana is reduced to a fill in anchor or special contributor. Bad move. https://www.nexttv.com/news/wcbs-new-york-changes-6-pm-team I can only speculate if ratings are the issue. IMO Dick and Dana are good together so the national CBS O&O format is what I'd say the real issue is. Let the record state that Andrea Grymes was also bumped from weekends. Is WCBS doing that badly? Much like WNYW isn't the strongest Fox station despite being the flagship what CBS o&o's would you say are in better shape than WCBS.
  7. Admittedly Dana isn't the strongest anchor these days (when solo) but this isn't is a solution at all. Maybe it's just me but don't viewers get tired of seeing the same faces on every newscast? That's Maurice and Christine at 5,6, (8 on WLNY?) and 11. I'd think you would want a veteran like Dana Tyler up against Chuck Scarborough and Bill Ritter in the same slot. Dick is great on air and deserves an anchor spot wether it's with Alice or Dana. If ratings ate behind this, Dana and Dick aren't the problem the dry CBS o&o format is. Devil's advocate, maybe this is for the better. There was pushback when Dana and Jim Rosenfield were booted from the 11 in favor of Maurice and Christine, but ratings improved. So we'll see.
  8. The crumble of terrestrial TV appears to be global sadly.
  9. Didn't know where else to post this. Does anyone follow the news in New Zealand? The soon-to-be-defunct Newhub and its competition 1 NEWS New Zealand are aesthetically gorgeous. Would love for CNN to implement these looks for either Newsroom or News Central. New Zealand and Australia are the two countries I've seen whose news production is greater than or equal to that of the US. Does anyone know the set designer? Newshub (bottom pic taken from a 1 News story on them). This is very CNN with the color scheme. Love the slanted desks and the sloped single monitors. Reminds me of the National Telemundo set. This would also work really well on an NBC O&O with a blue and white color scheme. Thanks to ATL NEWS Expert for putting me on to this outlet. 1 News NZ. Love the Amazon Alexa looking desk.
  10. Sad. Side track, but they could teach some of these US brands a thing or too about set and graphic design.
  11. Late to the party, so CNN will have News CENTRAL and NewsROOM now? It's clear that NewsCentral will be the main dayside brand but how will this differ from Newsroom? I'm glad to see Newsroom still around but I'm surprised they didn't just MSNBC it and unite all of dayside headline coverage under one brand.
  12. True...but the o&o have a single owner and the same format so it's easy to pinpoint what their issues are. For the affiliates which have multiple owners, and multiple factors at play, it's more difficult to pinpoint why they aren't successful. Some posters have said it harkens back to the '94 realignments. Others have pointed out CBS affiliates do well in small and rural markets.
  13. Thank you for clarifying that the WNBC situation was budget cuts. I wondered why they would wreck their solid news product in the mid-2000s, for all the crap you listed coupled with a sub par studio and worse graphics. News 4 really improved in 2012! I do however appreciate that CBS O&Os don't have a billion hours of news compared to their counterparts.
  14. Focusing on WCBS, alot of their troubles stem from a mass talent firing and re-branding in 1996. They abandoned the good "Channel 2 News" format which boasted a tabloid feel and commanding news theme ---though the NY Times says it performed behind CH 4 & 7. It was replaced by several rebrands, studio, talent and graphics changes, until they finally stabalized in 2007. 10 years of instability! In the last 5 or so years WCBS has lost some 'flavor' and I'm not sure where they stand in the ratings today. "Channel 2 News" final era (1993-1996) 2 News (1996-1997). The set and graphics were fine. The music, format changes etc though... "CBS News New York" generic pharmacy jingle 2023
  15. (Skip to 2:32) My knowledge of the Chicago market is still growing so I was surprised to see the legendary Bill Curtis/Walter Jacobson pairing still intact as late as 2013. I wish stations weren't so averse to do male pairings these days.
  16. In the event that Kimmel goes I'd like to see ABC keep doing a late night talk show. As much as I like Nightline, it's nowhere near the intelectual program it was under Ted Koppel. Jimmy can be great. His issue is over reliance on Trump for material, especially his virtue signal ladened monolouges. His segments outside of that like Liewitness News, Baby Bachelor and Unnecesary Censorship are hilarious. Otherwise, I find myself turning into Fallon, someone who covers Trump briefly and moves on to other material, keeping his politics at minimum.
  17. Nice and clear talent line up too. not confusing to know which time your favorite personality will be on.
  18. Yes! CBS shows appeal to an older audience. I can also see why CBS stations do well in rural smaller areas. Historically the network has run rural comedies like Green Acres and in the 90s *shows* like Murder She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder, Walker Texas Ranger etc. Today they've got an endless portfolio of procedurals. It's definitely a watch with your grandparents kind of channel which must trickle down to the newscasts.
  19. My theory for the affiliates is that their struggles stem from the '94 realignments. They lost some stronger affiliates, left to pick up weaker ones. Look at ATL, CBS lost WAGA 5 to Fox, so they had to settle for WGNX 46, a weaker station with a dial number up in the boondocks. For the owned and operated stations I'll say again...CBS O&O newscasts have a very generic, corporate, "Spectrum News" like feel, that isn't always authentic to the markets they're in. Big example, CBS' defunct "Nowcasts". WUPA's version, produced in NYC, felt so out of place in a country/soulful/hip hop city like Atlanta. WCBS' Mary Calvi and Chris Wragge could do one of those nowcasts because they don't add any extra personality to make it feel like you're watching a New York morning show. This in contrast to the loud-brash-Brooklyn Rosanna Scotto on GDNY or the Jamaican Dancehall or Street Soldiers segments covered on WNYW. Even though all o&o station groups duplicate their formats across markets, ABC, NBC, and especially FOX & CW stations are great at adding local touches.
  20. Not to turn this into the CBS thread but the issue there is that if their national news brand is not doing well outside of two shows, does that justify duplicating it on the local level? If anything, CBS stations need to be seeking separate identities. I'll save that for it's designated thread. Fox O&Os, like ABC stations, are a prime example of duplicated yet still locally fresh format. WAGA feels authentically Atlanta as WNYW feels uniquely NY with personalities like Rosanna Scotto, and segments covering say Jamaican Dancehall culture... despite both stations being "Fox 5 News" with the same graphics. Again WABC does this well also. Back to WABC, I have to agree. Left to their own volition, Channel 7 has shown us for decades how bad their sets and graphics can get.
  21. True. I see both sides. I agree with the idea of identifying a similar product via aesthetics through several markets. Not to drift off topic but, comparing the more successful ABC O&Os vs CBS O&OS...I don't mind duplicating a look just with added personal touches like KWY doing green instead of the standard CBS blue and white. I know the argument is a similar look for content sharing but the audience does not care if WCBS takes a KYW green graphic. The issue becomes when stations sound like a bland corporate carbon copy and not locally authentic. Look at WCBS with its pharmacy jingle ringtone open and clean corporate feel which doesn't match the vibe of a gritty intense city like New York. In contrast, even though WABC is one of ABC's many Eyewitness News copies, it still feels locally authentic to NYC with its diverse set of long-tenured reporters and its "flashier" (as some have said) format.
  22. I'm not saying I necessarily disagree with some of the points Rosanna made. But, she (as usual) drifts into editorialization. Sanctuary "Trap" for example is a loaded title. "This is coming to a city near you, unfortunately" which she said, is also another iffy statement. That's fine for Fox News Channel, but very slippery for her already compromised 'neutral image' role on GDNY.
  23. Very underwhelming, especially for Graham which has some good looking stations. They should have taken a page from sister station WJXT whose set looks way better. IMO, stations need to tone down the video walls, quit the furniture minimalism and get some physical set pieces.
  24. Interesting catch. Just this morning my local CBS affiliate skipped Face the Nation (for the first time that I've seen) and aired E/I programming instead. The did however air Sinclair's Sunday morning political show "Full Measure".
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