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Everything posted by ATLNewsExpert

  1. So if promos are being done now, they'll likely air when? At this point I'm thinking early January
  2. Very sad to see the last of news on HLN go, I, like everyone will miss Meade and hope she finds herself a good replacement at maybe a local station. That being said what will happen to studio 7 now?
  3. It's likely but let us not get our hopes up, this has happened two times before remember!
  4. What a nice way of saying someone's loosing their chief Met spot
  5. Their set honestly hasn't aged THAT badly as say some sets that have been around for shorter periods of time.
  6. Will CBS (and other networks) cut off for local news/late night, I seen Mr. Colbert will be live, but with no time specifics
  7. And WKTB has made the move into 14th street with WANF. Alongside the move they have officially moved into WANF's temporary set as it's new home, has rebranded as "Telemundo Georgia" and is now using look S, all of which look great! Really an improvement in Spanish Television in the market, now if only Univison would care about it's stations
  8. Ah yes the station were the weird 90's trend of having industrial scaffolding on your set lives on! (just why?)
  9. 7 Australia and NBC have a lot of similarities so I'm not surprised
  10. Honestly CBSM is already a hodepodge, the set "update" does not help either, flip flopping music, pretending viewers want to wake up to a giant Pizza Hut ad, honestly CBS was it all worth it to get rid of CTM? And for those who will bring up CBS News Streaming, Studio 1515 would have been just fine for them with minor updates to the 2020 Election set.
  11. Honestly I like everything but the intro. The end looks like something made in SketchUp without any sculpting with too many shadows.
  12. If this and the promo are any indicators at the graphics and set it honestly doesn't seem to be any different than when New Day first launched which is a major disappointment, but I won't put my two cents in on the appearance and judge for another six hours
  13. Well it's been a week after launch so here's an update as to what's on screen. Sport's segment's now have a dedicated intro, old graphics accidentally occasionally still make an appearance, they have completely gotten rid of using green screens, I'm a huge fan of the set, I'm not entirely a fan of the angle shots of the set.
  14. And make CBS go where, WXIA, WSB? Obviously pure speciation but that's quite a thought. To be fair WSB isn't as appealing to be an affiliate for as it was say thirty years ago during the last major switch's
  15. Looks like they covered up the studio view from the newsroom with this.
  16. Just seen an ad for the Big Bang Theory, they will be known as Atlanta News First even outside of News Welcome to ANF!
  17. Anchor Brooks Baptiste said on a livestream we are in the final hours of CBS 46 before they become ANF, noon to be exact, also there was this from the livestream, the new (only recolored) L3's?
  18. Do we have a picture or video?
  19. Also wanted to mention (if this needs it's own thread or should be deleted please do so) that WXIA has more or less recently updated it's intros with more elements in a way to move away from the generic TEGNA look. Also it is using some music package previously unheard to me, might just be a C Clairty rework but I'm not sure.
  20. That's what I've been thinking while reading all this comments, it's just a desk and just a LED. I may not be a fan of standing desks for newscasts but if it'll work for what they are trying to achieve with ANF then so be it. Besides on the sponsor note what are they going to do, call it the Coolray First Alert Weather center? Ofcourse not
  21. Well FTV says the set will debut before week's end. Take that as you will
  22. Have to admit it's an upgrade from whatever it was they last had!
  23. And the new set is done, dress rehearsals are being done in between newscasts, what do y'all think about it? Taken from a video on Twitter:
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