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Everything posted by TVNewsLover

  1. I don’t understand this move. Erin would anchor the 11am on most days. Why move Rosemary there? They could have used a rotation of Rosemary, Keith, Erin, Dray, and Denise. Instead of this they should have hired a co-anchor for Denise.
  2. Wonder if Live w Kelly & Ryan eventually moves to WFAA.
  3. Let the speculation begin as to her replacement. My guess is Cheryl will pick up 6 & 10, with Judy taking the 7 from Cheryl, and Tanja taking the 11am from Judy.
  4. Joy filled in at 4 for Jim yesterday, but Wendy was solo at 5,5:30, and 6. Not sure why they feel 4pm needs two anchors but 5 and on are fine with one. Random indeed.
  5. News is on noon eastern. They could bump the View to the afternoon. Live is not an ABC network program, but most ABC stations do carry it. Also, the quote you referenced says it from me, but it’s not!
  6. Long overdue. The Chew has been a snoozefest for a while now. One of the articles says that hosts and show name are not finalized yet, so it may indeed be a GAA revival. Problem with expanding in the morning is most central, pacific, and mountain stations air Live at 9, View at 10, and news at 11, followed by the Chew at 12. The ideal scenario would be if all stations aired GMA from 7-10, Live at 10, View at 11, news at 12, and Rachael at 1, Millionaire & RTM at 2, and GH at 3. Yes I know some stations don’t carry some of the syndicated fair above. Yeah, although not the best four IMO. Perhaps this means a lesser role for Michael on the main show if he is named host of the expanded hour. And moving Live to another time slot presents its own problems.
  7. Did not catch noon, 4, or 5, but Joy is filling in at 5:30 and 6 for BOTH Rob and Wendy.
  8. Wonder if they’re dropping The Real or Maury.
  9. Ever since Dan took over sports director/lead sports anchor, he has continued to handles Berks sports from the Lehigh Valley studio. This week was the first instance I saw otherwise. While I never said it’s strange to have a separate person from the Berks bureau (I know that’s how they used to do it), it just seems unnecessary. They don’t have a separate news anchor team doing the Berks news from the Berks bureau, do they? That being said, glad to see they’re building up the sports department with young and capable talent.
  10. Joy Howe has been with Jaciel this week at noon. I wonder if she is permanent or temporary until Eve is ready to do the noon. Hope they use Alexandria Hogan as a fill-in in the mornings. Noticed that Dan Moscaritolo doesn’t always handle Berks edition while handling the other newscasts. Do they really need two sports anchors weekdays?
  11. I like this decision. He’s a quality journalist and it balances the male to female ratio on the show. Now if they could only find a way to deemphasize Michael.
  12. Is Alexandra Hogan permanent on the noon newscast or does Eve plan on returning eventually? Why not just give it to Joy Howe? When is Ed Hanna coming back? Also odd is the randomness in which they utilize fill-ins.
  13. CBS 3 broke into Family Feud at around 3:10pm for a news conference from the NTSB about the emergency plane landing. The odd part about this is Jim Donovan was anchoring the coverage. Makes me wonder when do Ukee and Jessica come in? It makes no sense that the morning crew should be there that late (I would think 1:30pm would be the cutoff). Goes to show how lean they are on anchor talent.
  14. Long day for Rick today. He anchored at noon, 5pm, 6pm, and 11pm.
  15. Monica Malpass anchoring at noon today solo. With Rick and Sarah off, Matt, Tamela, Alicia, Jeanette, Gray, Nydia, and Walter must’ve all been unavailable.
  16. Maybe medically related. I know she battled cancer in the past. Hopefully all is okay.
  17. Really liked him. That’s a huge loss for the station, as they lost Adam Kuperstein not too long ago. Apparently Roxanne Vargas is his replacement in the morning. Not sure about 11am. Not a fan of the move. Also leaves weekend evening and mornings now vacant for WTVJ. Eric’s moving to California. You know, there is a morning anchor position open at KNBC.
  18. I’m not sure I see Michelle moving to weekdays anytime soon. Disney is in a trimming phase right now. Even if one of Diana, Liz, or Sade were to leave, they prolly will reshuffle the other two plus David and Bill’s shows to cover the vacancy.
  19. Last year when WCAU was down to three meteorologists and of the three one was on vacation and a second was sick, they pulled in WRC’s Doug Kammerer and WNBC’s Dave Price to fill in.
  20. Alicia Vitarelli filling in for Sarah at noon today.
  21. Really? I'm surprised you think so. Her and Rick often joke on the noon show, and I'd say their chemistry is on par with Rick and Monica's, if not better. She is more serious on Sunday nights when she's co-anchoring with Walter. Speaking of Walter, I wonder if the long term plan is for him to anchor 5pm & 10pm solo on Saturdays (in addition to 6pm & 11pm). I feel like he needs a co-anchor especially for the hour long newscasts. They should either move Sarah to weekend evenings full time and have Monica or Alicia take her spot on the noon show. Or they could have Alicia work Tuesday-Saturday, handling the Friday noon show along with Saturday evenings (Nydia or Sarah could handle her Monday 4pm features anchor role).
  22. When did we stop being friends? Friends are allowed to disagree. :p
  23. I thought you were being judgmental of me. I meant it in the sense of who are you to judge me if you don’t know me. Relax, it meant nothing more. Guess you misunderstood me just like I misunderstood you.
  24. No need to get personal just because we disagree. You don’t know me.
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