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San Diego CW affiliation moving from XETV to KFMB


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If KFMB is confident they are getting channel 6 on cable and satellite then they don't need to advertise the change. They're just going to let viewers see the new and improved CW 6. What would advertising or promoting it do? It's not going to grow their audience any. People who watch CW now will watch it in May and those who don't watch it now. Well...


Then they should just say they have that channel 6 slot. Why have a big secret?

Because they don't know yet.

....or they would be happy to say they do.

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If KFMB is confident they are getting channel 6 on cable and satellite then they don't need to advertise the change. They're just going to let viewers see the new and improved CW 6. What would advertising or promoting it do? It's not going to grow their audience any. People who watch CW now will watch it in May and those who don't watch it now. Well...

I mean, no offense to the folks at XETV... but if you were KFMB would you want your viewers to associate your station and new network with XETV?


You're trying to sell a product, you want ZERO association with the previous entity, especially if that said entity wasn't exactly a top-notch one. This is why there's a need for them to promote. Because KFMB will need to make money off of this affiliation. Leaving it status quo and hoping that viewers will eventually notice does not make good business sense.


There are plenty of viewers out there that like channel 8's news product, and may NOT watch XETV at all. How do you get them to tune into the new offerings if they don't know about it? You want people to buy your product...you promote it- one way or another.


They better have those graphics and music ready for launch day...


*on a side note, i'd be stupid of 8 to hold off on the new newscasts on the new CW if they're not ready, because come 5/31, the CW will have been without news(casts) for 2 months already. The longer they wait, the more viewers they ship off to KUSI and KSWB. Plus they lose a promotional tool for KFMB's 11pm newscast...

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The Times of San Diego posted XETV's plans of its "Swan Song" morning broadcast on Friday.


On Friday morning's program, it'll to be airing several pre-taped pieces relating to the station's history. It'll also be appearances from city leaders & former XETV anchors. Followed by an on-air champagne toasting in the station's back lot.


They also dropped these tidbits, which I find interesting:

Instead of newscasts, Dunning said court shows, situation comedies and other shows will air on Channel 6 through May 31. A few sales executives will continue to serve advertisers through May 31. And, Dunning, who has been semi-retired since fall, said he will remain on the job throughout the summer to assist with closing the building and selling the remaining broadcast equipment.

Poor Dunning has to stay on past May 31 to sell the equipment. Does it also means selling the building too?

Midwest Television’s KFMB-TV/Channel 8, recently awarded the CW affiliation to add to its CBS network affiliation, will operate the Channel 6 slot after May 31 and air CW shows, along with news programming using CBS8 news staff.

And I take this with pure heavy grain of salt. Only because KFMB hasn't stated it publically whether the CW will be staying on Channel 6 on cable or not.

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The Times of San Diego posted XETV's plans of its "Swan Song" morning broadcast on Friday.


On Friday morning's program, it'll to be airing several pre-taped pieces relating to the station's history. It'll also be appearances from city leaders & former XETV anchors. Followed by an on-air champagne toasting in the station's back lot.


They also dropped these tidbits, which I find interesting:


Poor Dunning has to stay on past May 31 to sell the equipment. Does it also means selling the building too?


And I take this with pure heavy grain of salt. Only because KFMB hasn't stated it publically whether the CW will be staying on Channel 6 on cable or not.


The question is finally answered! KFMB will get channel 6 after XETV closes in SD.

Hard to say if it is true. It may very well be that they end up on 6, but if it is indeed true, then why hasn't KFMB announced it? I am not sure if it's speculation on the writer's part or if that's what Dunning said, but then would he really know what KFMB and the Cable Co.'s are negotiating?


And an interesting tidbit is that Dunning made no reference of selling the building, just the equipment. Not to say that it can't or won't happen, but interesting nonetheless.

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Hard to say if it is true. It may very well be that they end up on 6, but if it is indeed true, then why hasn't KFMB announced it? I am not sure if it's speculation on the writer's part or if that's what Dunning said, but then would he really know what KFMB and the Cable Co.'s are negotiating?


And an interesting tidbit is that Dunning made no reference of selling the building, just the equipment. Not to say that it can't or won't happen, but interesting nonetheless.


Very interesting observation...

Dunning is in the dark as far as the channel negotiations go.

No reason to keep him in the loop while KFMB bends over and submits!

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Very interesting observation...

Dunning is in the dark as far as the channel negotiations go.

No reason to keep him in the loop while KFMB bends over and submits!

Exactly. So one could say that Dunning is pulling things out of his ass. Or the article's author.

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Exactly. So one could say that Dunning is pulling things out of his ass. Or the article's author.



Sounds like both are completely out of the loop.

The reporter was actually too stupid to ask what channel and HOW it was going to happen.


Pretty sure somebody is serving fresh nuts on a puu puu platter.


Ric Griffin is PR flack.....he don't know sh%$ about this.

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Sounds like both are completely out of the loop.

The reporter was actually too stupid to ask what channel and HOW it was going to happen.


Pretty sure somebody is serving fresh nuts on a puu puu platter.


Ric Griffin is PR flack.....he don't know sh%$ about this.

How hilarious (and sad) would it be if after all this is said and done, the CW ends up on another channel other than 6? All that speculation from the media for nothing.


And on a side note: I mentioned this before, but now would be a good time for COX to make a run at getting KFMB. I mean, they had them by the balls during Dec.'s retrans piss match, and now with the affiliation channel placement negotiations, the cable co. has them right in a good place...

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How hilarious (and sad) would it be if after all this is said and done, the CW ends up on another channel other than 6? All that speculation from the media for nothing.


And on a side note: I mentioned this before, but now would be a good time for COX to make a run at getting KFMB. I mean, they had them by the balls during Dec.'s retrans piss match, and now with the affiliation channel placement negotiations, the cable co. has them right in a good place...


Gwad I have to be soooo careful right now with what I say....I don't want to get bounced into the specutron9000 room.


I expect some kind of "leak" soon.

Somebody get Richard Maddow on the line...she may have a big scoop soon.

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The CW network knew the cable carriage would or could be an issue,


So 2 things could have happened...

(note: I'm using CW/CBS as one entity ...if that is wrong let me know.)


1. CW knows cable carriage is a problem at this time(today) and KFMB is on it's own to negotiate it's own deals like always.




2. CW want's a prime channel (2-6) as does KFMB, and CW/CBS will support KFMB in those efforts with cash, muscle, hookers and liquor. Since KFMB has no real bargaining power (with COX and Spectrum) alone. Plus you need them for the direc tv and dish uverse agreements to a lesser extent.


All KFMB can offer is money.

I doubt KFMB just sprung the cable thing on CW/CBS.


Somebody at KFMB needs to be on the record and declare this a "non-issue" if it's wrong. 2 months away and this should have been decided before any contracts were signed....




That "Unless" will get us booted to specu9000....so don't even go "there"...yet.

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Gwad I have to be soooo careful right now with what I say....I don't want to get bounced into the specutron9000 room.


I expect some kind of "leak" soon.

Somebody get Richard Maddow on the line...she may have a big scoop soon.

The irony is that this business thrives on "leaks", "information", etc. and they get pissed when others keep quiet, yet they're doing the same thing...

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The CW network knew the cable carriage would or could be an issue,


So 2 things could have happened...

(note: I'm using CW/CBS as one entity ...if that is wrong let me know.)


1. CW knows cable carriage is a problem at this time(today) and KFMB is on it's own to negotiate it's own deals like always.




2. CW want's a prime channel (2-6) as does KFMB, and CW/CBS will support KFMB in those efforts with cash, muscle, hookers and liquor. Since KFMB has no real bargaining power (with COX and Spectrum) alone. Plus you need them for the direc tv and dish uverse agreements to a lesser extent.


All KFMB can offer is money.

I doubt KFMB just sprung the cable thing on CW/CBS.


Somebody at KFMB needs to be on the record and declare this a "non-issue" if it's wrong. 2 months away and this should have been decided before any contracts were signed....




That "Unless" will get us booted to specu9000....so don't even go "there"...yet.

I'm not familiar with the business side of broadcasting, but can KFMB invoke the "must carry" rule just for the CW? And would that help them secure a desirable cable channel position?


BTW: someone had created a "CBS buying KFMB" thread. its in the specula whatever thread.

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It would be also interesting to see if XETV's retransmission consent contracts extend beyond May 31 and if, as part of the closure of Bay City, all of those will be wound down. My guess is yes, for the reasons I've mentioned before, and in this case, BCTV is probably the other party in the retrans contracts and not Televisa itself.

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It would be also interesting to see if XETV's retransmission consent contracts extend beyond May 31 and if, as part of the closure of Bay City, all of those will be wound down. My guess is yes, for the reasons I've mentioned before, and in this case, BCTV is probably the other party in the retrans contracts and not Televisa itself.


Ok, I can see that may be part of a BCTV contract...but I would think that would have to be a fairly well defined clause in case of the closure.

And remember...you have maybe 4 carriers you need to deal with at one time. I do however see where you are going with this. It's totally plausible.


In my family we have a little saying that applies to this situation....


"I smell blood."


Bottom line,

Most my entire Univision 6 theory goes in the crapper if CW falls right back into that 6 slot...on all local CATV's ( not so much dish, direct etc..) so I am perfectly happy to admit I'm mistaken, but the lack of ANY promotion has me really questioning what's really going on. The lack of knowledge or disclosure about the cable ch. placement is so frigging odd it defies logic.

Where is the "Where will I find my favorite CW programs after June 1st?" promos?.



CW/CBS would love to enter into an agreement where there is NO PROMOTION of any TYPE.

That makes total sense.

We will know on or before June 1st....we hope.


If I am wrong...

I'm taking A3N down with me....

I will say it was all his Idea.

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And on a side note: I mentioned this before, but now would be a good time for COX to make a run at getting KFMB. I mean, they had them by the balls during Dec.'s retrans piss match, and now with the affiliation channel placement negotiations, the cable co. has them right in a good place...


Stop this!

You are jumping too far ahead in the storyline. We need to drag this out over the summer...besides I have E.D so it's better we take our time.

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Ok, I can see that may be part of a BCTV contract...but I would think that would have to be a fairly well defined clause in case of the closure.

And remember...you have maybe 4 carriers you need to deal with at one time. I do however see where you are going with this. It's totally plausible.


In my family we have a little saying that applies to this situation....


"I smell blood."


Bottom line,

Most my entire Univision 6 theory goes in the crapper if CW falls right back into that 6 slot...on all local CATV's ( not so much dish, direct etc..) so I am perfectly happy to admit I'm mistaken, but the lack of ANY promotion has me really questioning what's really going on. The lack of knowledge or disclosure about the cable ch. placement is so frigging odd it defies logic.

Where is the "Where will I find my favorite CW programs after June 1st?" promos?.



CW/CBS would love to enter into an agreement where there is NO PROMOTION of any TYPE.

That makes total sense.

We will know on or before June 1st....we hope.


If I am wrong...

I'm taking A3N down with me....

I will say it was all his Idea.



And even if the CW stays on 6, that still doesn't mean that Univision can't/won't go to XETV. They may not have the same channel spot on the cable lineup, but 17 isn't exactly a deal breaker, either...


As far as promotion: They still would need to do it-one way or another. You can't exactly shut down your news department/newscasts and not expect people to notice. Even weirder when you resume the newscast a month and change later with different people--and you expect people not to be confused?

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The question is finally answered! KFMB will get channel 6 after XETV closes in SD.


Well maybe you could tell that to the Promotions Department at KFMB, because they say they don't know that answer as of last Friday morning.


They would Love to create a few promos re-enforcing that fact...but since the viewers really don't seem to care, why should we?


Promo #1

:30 sec trt

"Your Favorite CW programs are staying on 6...same CW6...new CW Friends from KFMB-8...coming June 1st".


Promo #2

Holy Dawsons Creek!

:30 trt

" On June 1st, The CW is moving to COX cable channel 816, Spectrum Channel 232, Dish channel 4526 and Uverse Channel55777434 digital only....and Off-air on Channel 8.3... try to find us if you can! "...(music fades out)


Promo #3

Oh Crap!

:30 trt

"Oh crap....TBD"


Seacrest out.

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And even if the CW stays on 6, that still doesn't mean that Univision can't/won't go to XETV. They may not have the same channel spot on the cable lineup, but 17 isn't exactly a deal breaker, either...


As far as promotion: They still would need to do it-one way or another. You can't exactly shut down your news department/newscasts and not expect people to notice. Even weirder when you resume the newscast a month and change later with different people--and you expect people not to be confused?

The irony is that this business thrives on "leaks", "information", etc. and they get pissed when others keep quiet, yet they're doing the same thing...


Go check ftvlive....they just dinged Ashley (Little Teapot) Jacobs "sign" report.....ha ha.

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can KFMB invoke the "must carry" rule just for the CW? And would that help them secure a desirable cable channel position?



Yes and No

They cannot demand 6 under must carry...that's the issue i'm running on.

They want 6 across the board....not a mish mash of must carry channels all over the cable dials..


I don't know the legal issues re: having a sub channel under must carry....because they already invoked must carry under CH-8...and the new CW will be only a sub-channel...so I really don't know that answer.



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Ok, I can see that may be part of a BCTV contract...but I would think that would have to be a fairly well defined clause in case of the closure.

And remember...you have maybe 4 carriers you need to deal with at one time. I do however see where you are going with this. It's totally plausible.


This is the way I see the structure of Televisa vis-a-vis Bay City.


Bay City:

-Sells advertising

-Runs a news operation (limited time only)

-Conducts community involvement, etc.

-Signs cable carriage, retrans, etc.

-Signs syndication contracts (and gets sued for nonpayment)

-Pays its employees and runs HR duties

-Uplinks its program output to the satellite


Televisa Tijuana, under contract with Bay City:

-Multiplexes Canal 5 onto the xmtr

-Provides engineering services for said xmtr

-Handles Mexican compliance (RTC, IFT and INE)


Bay City basically does everything other than concession compliance and dealing with the relevant broadcast authorities.


Question for those who would know: Does XETV over the air broadcast Mexican PSAs? (And are those omitted from the feed provided to cable/satellite companies?)

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This is the way I see the structure of Televisa vis-a-vis Bay City.


Bay City:

-Sells advertising

-Runs a news operation (limited time only)

-Conducts community involvement, etc.

-Signs cable carriage, retrans, etc.

-Signs syndication contracts (and gets sued for nonpayment)

-Pays its employees and runs HR duties

-Uplinks its program output to the satellite


Televisa Tijuana, under contract with Bay City:

-Multiplexes Canal 5 onto the xmtr

-Provides engineering services for said xmtr

-Handles Mexican compliance (RTC, IFT and INE)


Bay City basically does everything other than concession compliance and dealing with the relevant broadcast authorities.


Question for those who would know: Does XETV over the air broadcast Mexican PSAs? (And are those omitted from the feed provided to cable/satellite companies?)


Yes , that is also how I understand the structure to be at BCTV..



Unlike Mexican radio, XETV does not run the usual compliment of GOBC, national and other required PSA's...

They also never have run "The Mexican National Hour" like radio does.

I actually have never seen the PSA's on the other "local" TJ stations either. But they are all over the radio.

" We support a corruption free goverment, and equality for all citizens of Mexico."


Just the entire Mexican national anthem at 5am each day on XETV....all verses.

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Yes , that is also how I understand the structure to be at BCTV..



Unlike Mexican radio, XETV does not run the usual compliment of GOBC, national and other required PSA's...

They also never have run "The Mexican National Hour" like radio does.

I actually have never seen the PSA's on the other "local" TJ stations either. But they are all over the radio.

" We support a corruption free goverment, and equality for all citizens of Mexico."


Just the entire Mexican national anthem at 5am each day on XETV....all verses.


La Hora Nacional doesn't apply to TV. But if they're not airing PSAs, either they cut a deal with the RTC a long time ago, or they're out of compliance. It's 48 minutes a day, 30 minutes by law and the other 18 minutes as a tax on broadcasters. Some of that is in early morning programs most stations bury between 4-6am (but which XETV might air even earlier to accommodate news).


I suspect XETV may be meeting most of these requirements only on the C5 sub — the INE Catalog and IFT virtual channel tables both list XETV as straight up Canal 5.


A quick look at the observations the RTC has administered in the last decade shows five for XETV:


-September 23, 2013: Irregularities in transmission of a national address

-March 20, 2009: Promotion for a strip club, labeled "Dream Girls - Table Dance"

-November 20, 2007: Failure to ID

-September 12, 2007: Failure to transmit a national address (repeated twice)


(The RTC has become much more of a light-touch regulator in the Peña Nieto sexenio than they used to be.)

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A quick look at the observations the RTC has administered in the last decade shows five for XETV:


-September 23, 2013: Irregularities in transmission of a national address

-March 20, 2009: Promotion for a strip club, labeled "Dream Girls - Table Dance"


None of those strippers or "dancers" were actually touched...but for those drink prices I did expect more from a free Tijuana donkey show

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