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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/24 in all areas

  1. The thing is: who actually notices? For all the complaints about common elements, how many viewers are actually going to be in two markets with common designs, and happen to watch the stations in question, and happen to pay that kind of attention, and actually care? Effectively no one. Nobody cares if WABC and KABC, for instance, have common design elements. A few people like us on message boards aren’t representative of the public at large.
    4 points
  2. I just hope under this change, the O&O stations continue to keep their individuality and local news branding instead of making them all look alike. There is a charm to that indivualistic aspect of a news station versus them all looking alike and sounding the same.
    3 points
  3. Trying to justify the purchase of what was an HD-era experimental channel otherwise bound for HC2 irrelevancy. The entire WHDT purchase made no sense from the start at all; sure, you get an overflow station, but what else can you do with that station outside guaranteeing full coverage for your subnets? The CW isn't moving, you've got WFLX and Fox already via sidecar, and the Ion flagship is just as sidecarred. I wouldn't be surprised if the purchase came with a Mar-a-Lago membership a la WLNY.
    2 points
  4. Yeah the new ABC O&O mandate has an element like this for bugs. I actually like it, it’s pretty utilitarian.
    1 point
  5. Kate Snow announced this evening she will be leaving “Nightly” Sunday next week to focus more on “Daily.”
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Nexstar is opening the Nexstar Weather Center based in Dallas. Its job is to serve as a "relief hub" for its small/medium markets that have had stubborn openings for weekend meteorologists and allow the any full-time staff to take time off (as in several of these markets meteorologists are working 6-7 days a week). No word on a launch date (presumably later this year). These weather segments would be forecast and produced out of Dallas then sent out to that individual market. Multiple ways to think about this. One could argue if Nexstar has the time and resources to create an entirely new hub to provide relief for its small market meteorologists, it could also use those resources to make those weekend weather/MMJ jobs (which is what the vast majority of them are), more appealing to college grads or sub-3 year professionals. However, it also shows the struggles of small markets to hire anyone out of school since now top-50 markets are more than willing to do that themselves. Would you work in Lubbock, TX out of college, or Norfolk, VA?
    1 point
  8. "NewsNation: Where One Of These Retreads Will Get Us Eyeballs, Right?"
    1 point
  9. Ratings don't matter when you're profitable. Look at the entire suite of cable networks owned by Paramount Global; they all still exist because they command profits with no budgets and no effort given into programming. Which is just as well. Nielsen clamped down on the scraping of data that Mediaite used to do to get cable TV ratings, thus you don't hear much about ratings in general nowadays.
    1 point
  10. I think five is sufficient. Four main on-air ones plus a fifth as a behind-the-scenes producer/fill-in.
    1 point
  11. These segments don't just schedule themselves... Somebody in traffic places those into the computer to run at a designated time. They run where the computer and management say's to run. It's entirely possible the GM or ND HAVE ASKED to run those at those times. If I was in that position, and wanted those to run in the early 4:30am slot...I would say this first... "We have hard news...and all our inventory is sold out for all our shows." ....no defiance...none. I guarantee you with those words, that corporate would allow us run those in a "throwaway show" or in some other late-night slot. Anyplace where it does not disrupt paid spots...or "real" news coverage. That's all you have to do is justify the move, these people are not stupid, they understand the mighty ad dollars. So you all should get it out of your heads that local Sinclair management is permitting some kind of local defiance...cuz it ain't happening. You can bet when the next big election cycle hits that those 'must runs" will creep into the main newscast...and be featured in nice slots....like just before weather. (God bless Chris Manson the former national ND for Sinclair who recently passed...He was a fine man, and a wonderful father. he will be missed.)
    1 point
  12. I'm not in support of the merger, but I will say one thing about the commentaries from Sinclair - at least they don't make it look like it's a part of the newscast - different graphics, theme, look, etc. If you like the news on Sinclair's Local 37, but don't like the commentaries - perfect time to visit the crapper, walk the dog, or whatever makes you happy. J
    1 point
  13. I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm 99% sure that when people stop watching something, its ratings go down. Math.
    1 point
  14. Alright, besides the obvious layoffs, would the station be fined money or get budget cuts? And what about on occasions when BLWB or BTH failed to air due to technical meltdowns?
    1 point
  15. All this Sinclair-Tribune nonsense makes me yearn for the days when Nexstar-MG was happening and the worst I thought would be "Local 27 WKBN", epic cuts, and "myvalleyisproud.com." Say what you will about Nexstar, but at least they don't try to sway sides in a not-so-subtly way compared to GO Media*. *New name I came up for Sinclair. the GO means "Grand Ole".
    1 point
  16. Personally, i'd go for the Putin Media Service/America or PMS America
    1 point
  17. Yeah! It's like one stupid tourist gets stung by a jelly fish, or steps on a sting-ray...and I get blamed. Bunch of haters...and besides you decided to "protect" all those yummy seals and otters just so you could all feel good about yourselves and take your selfies with. The thing I need to remember is not to get short with some people here that I think should "know better". Everyone here has a different level of interest and understanding of these complex subjects. We all kinda educate each other anyway. I have to have more patience sometimes cuz it's a little flaw of mine.
    1 point
  18. O'Reilly? Hannity? And Sinclair denys that their must-runs are conservative? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
    1 point
  19. Isn't SLC to big of a market for Heartland?
    1 point
  20. Lets get something real clear... I'm not a dem or a repub....I'm team USA. I'm not rightwing or leftwing. My politics don't matter to anyone...nobody cares. I think we both had our say...and it was directly related to TV. Myron has spunk... and I'm just bonkers. Politics and TV are directly related in many ways. It's a fine line keeping it civil and on topic. I try not to let it drag out into and endless thread. I hear what you are saying and I'm sure some others feel the same way. I will do my part in keeping it down as much as possible. One or two civil responses are acceptable as long as it does not spiral out of control. BTW... If I WAS "right" ... I would want Myron to be my "left".
    1 point
  21. Myron, I used to enjoy reading your posts and I used to think you were logical and reasonable (except when you insisted NBC Boston was not going to happen). Eat News, I always enjoyed your humor, although there were quite a few times I thought you crossed the line with your humor (related to real life tragedies), and a lot of times when you were overdoing it that it wasn't funny anymore. I have a hard time telling when you're serious sometimes. That being said, this is the type of partisan bickering most people don't enjoy. Enough already, most of us don't want to here the back and forth. We can turn on the TV and listen to the Pelosis and the Trumps and the McConnells and Schumers of the world if we want to hear it. We don't need either of your far right or far left agendas here.
    1 point
  22. Short answer is no. No matter what platform they are using to post their tweets, you can see the picture you're posting with your post. Once was a really bad mistake. But to post the same picture TWICE to two different stories, gives rise to intentional acts.
    1 point
  23. Eat, most wouldn't know until it was pointed out that, oh yeah, that's a picture of DeRay McKesson getting arrested for civil disobedience. That's the point. It IS deceptive and misleading to the people who would follow KBOI on Twitter, and a personal attack on DeRay, who sure as hell didn't deserve this. (DeRay did retweet KBOI's "apology," which shows a lot of graciousness on his part. To me, it has as much value as a used diaper.) People will laugh and say, "oh, Sinclair wouldn't use their power, clout and Republican favoritism as a weapon against anyone they don't agree with." And this is the latest example of why those people just don't get it, and never will. I betcha Sinclair will have Sheryl Atkinson target John Oliver with a slanderous story in the next few weeks. Even if it's made up, as Sheryl has a history of doing, the damage will be done. And with enablers of this misbehavior leading the FCC and DOJ, it will only get worse. Then you wonder if it's not propaganda ... but the early markings of soft fascism.
    1 point
  24. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! The Heathens of Hunt Valley will always apologize for something they don't really mean. Just like the time they greatly edited a video of a Baltimore protest march so it would sound like they're making an anti-law enforcement chant. From Zurawik's piece ten days ago: You can't make that up either. And this was a few months before the Freddie Gray incident.
    1 point
  25. It can't just be a bad picture choice by a rookie producer? How does anyone know the pic was not automatically generated based on a few standard keywords? So since it's a Sinclair owned station then the mistake it racial in nature? What a crock of poo poo. I see a guy in handcuffs..who is not related to the story presented. It's a poor choice for a picture...nothing more.
    1 point
  26. You can't make that up. You just can't.
    1 point
  27. It's opinion pieces on both sides. Both side are preaching doom and gloom. and..... Both are in the business to entertain and/or scare you....all for a profit. So enjoy!
    1 point
  28. He said he was coming from WJLA; there's an NC8 set there overused by all of SBG's must-carry segments and shows, including Armstrong William's weekend graveyard filler between Made in Hollywood and a real show called 3 Wide Life (at least in Milwaukee). He thinks it's impressive he's coming from Washington, but I'd be more impressed if a Sinclair host filmed a must-carry from KIMA in Yakima or one of their lower-market stations. This is what literal 'fake news' is. Of course ratings are going to be up if you replace infomercials and E/I treacle (which Full Measure did) with a series with actual content. The painful 'this new show is up 400% over last year's time-slot filler, a test pattern' press releases are good for a laugh and little else.
    1 point
  29. How does Sinclair "die?" It can't. It won't. You and I all know that dirty little secret. Even if a group manages to force all advertisers to boycott from any and all Sinclair news programming indefinitely, Sinclair would fill the airtime with political ads, especially in battleground states. They'll have their cult to further brainwash the John Q. Bumpkins of the world, and be an imposing terminal cancer on this country, like Fox News and talk radio were.
    1 point
  30. I really think Boris needs to consider changing his name. Only a suggestion.
    1 point
  31. Agreed. Terrorism is not nonsense, Boris is. Sinclair needs to die as a company and more.
    1 point
  32. Boris can go f**k himself and kiss a**!
    1 point
  33. I've always been curious how they're able to access news segments from seemingly every TV station in the country. Here is the whole segment which was the main segment of the night and is 19 minutes long.
    1 point
  34. Presented without editorializing...though he donated to a guy who beat a reporter. "Sinclair VP donated to Gianforte after 'body-slam' incident"
    1 point
  35. Well poopie. Goddam it. That post is edited. Excuse me for a minute.
    1 point
  36. Let me guess, they're gonna load up on the DHX/Cookie Jar library crap?
    1 point
  37. Actually, they're only on at 6:30am in the morning. SIX THIRTY. That's it. Are we back to 1988?
    1 point
  38. As someone who watches a lot of YouTube, it's fine, although it's a bit easy to flip when something uninteresting is on. Plus, it's an escape from the worst garbage YT pushes, so the curation is appreciated. It did do one good thing, it finally killed off any hope Retro TV had of getting any stations with actual signals back; the last three of five RTV stations with actual network affiliations were Sinclair; it replaced it in Toledo, Roanoke and Reno. KEYT in Santa Barbara and WKTC in Columbia, SC are it now. The sooner their sad idea of 'retro' is gone (AKA public domain offal, bartered Canadian crime drivel and "Crosswords"), the better (and they're also holding the rights for older Doctor Who episodes, which is annoying people who wanted it on the new US BBC/ITV Britbox service that was launched today).
    1 point
  39. Apparently, the execs thought the youngsters needed a hip, hot, happening channel of hilar clips, smart pop culture news and OMG moments to tweet and snap about tomorrow. Thus this was born. It's probably as stupid as I made it to be in this post.
    1 point
  40. WGME has the ice desk and the mobile green screen!
    1 point
  41. The second Spann leaves WBMA+, their news department becomes DOA. Given his past history at WVTM, it would be a coup for Hearst to snatch him.
    1 point
  42. Translation: The debt is stacking up and ad revenues are much lower than we thought so now we have to cut costs wherever we can. I feel this is just the beginning. Welcome to the next Clear Channel (err...iHeartMedia).
    1 point
  43. This is Albany, GA....and a former Barrington station. Not helping matters is the 800 pound gorilla WALB with both NBC and ABC; as well as WCTV's semi-satellite WSWG as competition. I'm not even sure they're 16x9. Just up the road in Macon is WGXA which we all know is pumping out beautiful 4x3 SD!
    1 point
  44. Dear Sinclair, If you are going to submit a multiple ownership exhibit with an application you may want to proof-read it first. Or, hire a better consultant. HINT: WJLP is no longer located in the market. That station "moved" some 2,000+ miles to the east TWO years ago. So, you might be stretching it a bit including it as a voice in the SLC market. Thanks. For what it's worth the voices chart submitted would still contain the same number of voices as KUTF / Daystar was left off. I just get a chuckle that they forgot the station that is the impediment to them mapping the KMYU simulcast on KUTV to 12.1 and added a NYC station in it's place. I think it's safe to say that it will be terminated once the deal closes. The FCC has held the position for quite some time that stations in a single DMA may be commonly owned, without the need for a waiver (satellite or failing station), if their Grade B contours do not overlap From the application: "KMYU(TV) is licensed to St. George, Utah, located in the southwestern corner of Utah, more than 250 miles from Salt Lake City in north-central Utah, home to KUTV(TV) and KJZZ TV. Neither the prior analog Grade B contours nor, as shown in Exhibit 1 hereto, the current digital noise limited contours, of KMYU(TV) overlap the contours of either KUTV(TV) or KJZZ-TV. Because of the lack of signal overlap, the stations can be owned in combination in compliance with the local television ownership rules without the need for a satellite exemption." So, they are fine to own all three stations.
    1 point
  45. Their entire branding since 2007 has been about "balanced news coverage" so this was definitely out of left field for them. Pretty much everyone in the GB-A market except WFRV brands on presenting both sides for major stories, even if it's just five seconds of a random bystander saying the opposite.
    1 point
  46. Yeah, that was a tad overkill. Usually stations doing similar stories like would highlight the history of the station and where the future is taking them but this is the first that I saw that kisses up to the owners of the station so much. But I guess since it's the flagship station, we shouldn't be too surprised.
    1 point
  47. Considering that he's the Republican front-runnner, I can't say I'm surprised. Setting aside the fact they're basically a propaganda outfit for the Republicans, you do have to give WBFF credit from turning itself from an independent station with no news department into a major Fox affiliate with a growing news department. Congrats to WBFF on 45 years. According to FTVLive, it sounds like they tried to get interviews from the other candidates in order to give it some sign of "balance". You can tell that they haven't been a Sinclair station for long because balance isn't a 4-letter word to them like it is to the corporate folks in Hunt Valley.
    1 point
  48. I quote of what TVNT member Breaking News said "Disney doesn't buy TV stations. Didn't anyone learn from the sale of WJLA? ANYONE???? THEY DON'T BUY STATIONS!!!"
    1 point
  49. Still, Sinclair has a good relationship with Fox, so if Sinclair wanted to, they could buy a 20% in Fox Sports.
    1 point
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