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WLS To Get New Set


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I like where this is going.




Not sure where this is, though. Is Karen taking this photo from the anchor desk, or is the desk sort of on the other side of that wall next to Phil?

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It almost seems like that's the view from the desk, and if it is, I don't think I'm going to be thrilled with the desk. It seems fairly small-ish. Yes, the old desk was pretty large, but I would've hoped there would have been a more happy medium. That said, I told myself I was going to be a good boy and reserve all judgments until some yet-to-be-determined time between 6 and 7pm. I do, however, like the color scheme and the skyline behind the anchors should look pretty good.

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Phil Schwarz, for the win. I like the wood accents, I'm glad the desk is big enough, and I'm kinda digging the large logo on the desk becoming a thing with the ABC stations. I don't know how to feel about the flipped weather and sports anchors, though.



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Phil Schwarz for the win. I like the wood accents, I'm glad the desk is big enough, and I'm kinda digging the large logo on the desk becoming a thing with the ABC stations. I don't know how to feel about the flip weather and sports anchors, though.



I think that desk is a little too bright... Pretty plain too... The backdrop on their monitor array is phoenomenal.

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I think I love this set.


The metal and wood placements and tones are amazing and mesh very well together. the lighting is great, the video screen is brilliant (in size and usage) and the weather center is surprisingly great when utilized.

When looking at the pictures first revealing the new set, I wasn't a fan of the main desk, because of the dull, plain look of it and basic look of the station's logo, but it does look slightly better when shown on air . I'll get used to it more as time with it passes.


Overall, this new set is definitely worth the long wait. Congrats to Jack Morton/PDG for the look and to WLS for the new get. This will definitely last several years and will not age terribly.

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I'm mad at myself for totally forgetting about this set debut tonight even though the hints have been there since last night.


At any rate, it looks pretty cool. I like the feel of it. I can't wait to see what else is over to the left side of the set.

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Good design decisions were made here (moving the weather center and building around the dead space (I.e..the view of the 'hallway to nowhere,' etc...). If I had to nitpick....not liking the logo on the desk and unless part of the video wall is movable, I don't like the general idea that part of the set is blocked in (see pic #1 above this post).


I'll hold off final judgement until they show off more stuff and I see the set in person. Great job overall.

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