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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/23 in Posts

  1. I mean I get people here are upset and are looking for some kind of justification to Gray ditching the CBS46 brand, even down to speculating a possible disaffiliation with CBS but we’ve known since Gray purchased the Meredith stations that they planned to blow up WGCL. We’ve known this entire time they had plans to make it a more serious news-centric operation with its own brand and less influence on the network it was affiliated with, they’ve made zero secret about that. What I don’t understand is why everyone is so upset with WANF and the Atlanta News First brand, sure, it’s unconventional but it does exactly what Gray said they were going to do. We knew going in that CBS46 was going to be tossed out, we knew going in that Gray intended to expand newscasts and beef up the news department. Now, WANF is trying to make headway in unseating the top stations in town for news and make a name for itself, and everyone wants to crap all over the effort. I say, good for Gray and good for WANF for wanting to try to do it right this time. I’m sure, as I’ve mentioned before with the whole KCBS/KCAL thing, that this was tested and tested and tested before it hit the air and it worked. So to come on here and have a meltdown over a brand and say that Gray is destroying the station when we’ve known all along this was their plan is kind of ludicrous. To also speculate that CBS is unhappy with Gray and WANF and plans to yank the affiliation for their own station in Atlanta is also ludicrous. If CBS really wanted WUPA to be a CBS affiliate, they would have done so decades ago. Why does CBS still own WUPA? That’s a question for the theologians. But the same question can be asked of KSTW, WTOG, and others as well. And if CBS pulls their CW affiliations from said stations, it’s not an automatic that they’re going to be actively seeking CBS affiliations for those. Heck, they could run them as 24/7 linear CBS News stations. They could do a number of things, but I think we can’t speculate about what hasn’t happened yet. I think we need to focus on the fact that WANF is finally trying to make a name for themselves in the field of news, and Gray is pouring money and resources and time in that Meredith didn’t in order to make it work. And that should be applauded, not lambasted.
    14 points
  2. Now, maybe I’m just slow, but I don’t see those graphics anywhere in the limited photos we’ve seen of a potential new look. It could be a new look entirely, something custom. It could just be new elements added to the existing design to get them off of Tribune’s hardware. I don’t think we will know for sure until this set debuts, but I don’t think we should be jumping to conclusions about these being the new graphics until there’s more evidence.
    5 points
  3. Honestly, I think it's totally reasonable to think that CBS might take affiliations in-house, if/when they dump the CW from any or all of the stations in this discussion. However, some here are relying way too much on certain factors to support or reject the idea, to the point where the same points just keep circling around. So, until we know for sure what CBS plans to do with their CW stations (beyond the initial FTVLive posting that I first brought to everyone's attention), how about we put this topic on the back burner? Agreed? Good. (Besides, there's a speculation thread already dedicated to this, so THIS thread wouldn't be clogged up with hypotheticals.)
    4 points
  4. The issue with this logic is that CBS could have and would have done these affiliation switches eons ago if that were the case. KSTW would still be with CBS and still have its own news department if this was the case. NBC dumped KRON for KNTV, a station that had a news department. NBC dumped WHDH for startup WBTS, but already had a news department in place thanks to New England Cable News. WWJ is an interesting situation where CBS built an entire news operation from the ground up. It can be done, but other than WWJ it hasn't, and it takes millions and millions and millions of dollars to do. The CWs are still doing outsourced newscasts. There hasn't been the same type of investment made in Atlanta, Tampa, Seattle, and others to justify switches.
    3 points
  5. Please. Don't. Do. That.
    3 points
  6. I think WPIX’s new set is great for the space they have to work with. Is it by far the best in NYC? No, but it doesn’t need to be. It needs to be the best for WPIX’s use and for the space they have to work with which honestly seems like it’s not much. So far it looks based off the limited images we have to be utilizing the space way better than the previous set did, and is arguably the best use of studio space since the 2000s set. It’s sad it took them well over a decade to get a decent space to do the news, but it looks like they finally will have it. The previous set did not age well and was a poor attempt at getting them back into a studio space after the failed newsroom era. That three-wall small-market set was never right for NYC, but was probably very cheap given Tribune’s money woes towards the end. It still amazes me that DailyMailTV used that set and made very little modification to it to use it. Quite frankly, I’m glad it’s gone.
    3 points
  7. I agree. WCBS has the best set. And lighting. I find it is the most polished set. And the worst set is WNBC. That lucite table is horrendous. It's not a desk, it's a table.
    3 points
  8. Said report is paywalled...and I have no interest in becoming a FTVLive patron. THANK YOU. It's a relief to see I'm not the only one confused here.
    2 points
  9. that or have a warning post pinned, punish those who are speculating and push the thread on topic. which is about WANF, not WUPA
    2 points
  10. One thing I really like that I’ve noticed they do during first weather and during regular weather is show the 7 Day Forecast fairly early on instead of just at the end. It makes sense considering anyone can pull up the extended forecast on their phones, not sure why more stations don’t blow up the old formula and try it like this.
    2 points
  11. I wonder how they'll add the Olympic rings to the bug.
    2 points
  12. There are rumors where people are blowing smoke, and then there are other rumors where there might be something to them. Given how all the pieces are fitting together, this one deserves a little more than a blow off. That doesn't mean it's going to turn out this way, but I still think it's weird to not have the CBS logo anywhere on your website or a link to "Your favorite CBS shows!" Even a small logo up in the corner or down at the bottom would be enough, yet there is nothing.
    2 points
  13. Also... No need for that pesky ticker anymore. Any other game you care about can be tracked on your favorite sports network's app. It gives developers more space on screen to work with.
    2 points
  14. Actually, there might be some hope on that: During telecasts of the NFL Playoffs, the bug on the top right corner was refreshed. And it looks like the new peacock design, but with a white border added; so there may be some applications where the border will stay intact.
    2 points
  15. Let the whole Jim Gardner retiring thing settle before they start making other changes to the newscast, but to your point yes- it's likely they will make some modifications to the newscast at some point. That was already tried in the MySpace era.
    1 point
  16. Which happened 27 years ago. And unpopular opinion, the redone version wasn't that much better and should have been shelved. But MCTYW in the classic form is ridiculously dated, at least when compared to the iteration WNEP uses (which was kept because -- gasp!! -- it fits the Tegna graphics like a glove). Those stations are #1 despite Disney basically not giving a crap about them and treating them like an afterthought. Disney has not bought a station in the now-dead M&A mania because ABC remains such a low priority, it's all about the Pixar and the Marvel and the Star Wars product. Heck, they probably forget that they even own ABC.
    1 point
  17. I dunno. WPVI tried to replace MCTYW with a modernized version of it and we saw how that turned out. Both WPVI and WABC are number 1 in their markets respectively. They have less of an incentive to rebrand like the struggling CBS O&Os do.
    1 point
  18. It's VERY subtle, but I do love that this new set utilizes subway tile. I actually wish it had more subway tile than just those two columns on either side of the weather monitor. It practically screams NEW YORK. And no worries, I'm sorry if I came across as a little harsh in my reply. Time will only tell what actually happens!
    1 point
  19. It sucks how WNBC has fallen aestetically because studios 6B and 3C were gorgeous. 3K, especially since they changed desks and moved to standing, is awful. But ABC 7 --the #1 local news station in the country -- looks pretty bad. Their set and HD quality looks cheap. At least WNBC has decent graphics. Overall for the number one market, NY is really lacking in terms of set design. Agreed that this is WPIX's best studio design since the WB 11 main set and morning kitchen set era.
    1 point
  20. To be blunt, would anyone be surprised if ABC winds up wholesale rebranding their O&Os in the same way the CBS O&Os are? As @Weeters brought up to me, Wendy McMahon came to CBS from ABC, and did so after Bob Iger retired. Iger might really not be happy that Chapek just let her walk on over to a competitor the way she did. Just because Action News is the Delaware Valley’s Leading News Program (Disney has to pay Apollo-Cox for the “Action” name) or Eyewitness News is “News York’s #1 News” (and Disney has to pay Paramount Global for the EWN name) doesn’t mean those names are ironclad. If CBS can get this new branding convention to work, the other three networks will follow. And no station will be immune, brand legacy be darned. Nothing is ironclad or impenetrable. It might even be the reason why the ABC O&O graphic redo has been placed on hold indefinitely…
    1 point
  21. In terms of space, I definitely agree it seems to be using the space to the best ability (the fact there's a weather center now is an improvement); and I'm curious to see what the interview area will look like. The 2000s set was definitely dated but still was their best set by far. The 2015 set was an improvement in terms of a serious looking set compared to the 2011 set (which was high-tech but looked like an entertainment program) but still wasted space and looked cheap as mentioned. Agreed WCBS has the best set in the NY market by far and there's no reason to believe this will surpass that. I'd say this could beat out WNYW but will have to see the final product.
    1 point
  22. Not a shock, FOX Sports is still using their recent football graphics package as part of their Super Bowl week coverage. Looks like they are going to wait til game day to do a full reveal. They did this the last time they broadcasted the Super Bowl in 2020. NBC and CBS have also done the same thing in the past two years prior when it comes to waiting til game day to launch their new graphics.
    1 point
  23. Don’t forget WNBC is moving to a new studio later this year.
    1 point
  24. I know they do and have historically, but if memory serves me correct someone here mentioned that CBS started clamping down on that and are forcing affiliates to air it in the intended order now.
    1 point
  25. Ion is positioning itself to be more like Weigel’s Heroes & Icons, at least based on a recurring promo that is now running on Scripps News. The slogan they tout is “A Home for Heroes” in a promo of their off-network syndicated crime dramas. I think I liked it better when they were just “Positively Entertaining,” but that’s just me thinking about clever promotion.
    1 point
  26. That is odd considering the suggested airing for affiliates airing both shows is Wheel first and Jeopardy! second and not the other way around. Random specials or infomercials means the station is trying to use that prime slot to make extra cash.
    1 point
  27. Alissa is freelance. She lives in the Bakersfield area. She was previoulsly a met at one of the Bakersfield stations. My assumption for permanent KCAL WX lineups are: 4-7am: Amber Lee (after maternity leave) 7-10 and 11am: Paul Deanno 12pm/4pm: rotation of Alex, Olga, Markina and Mary Yoon 5-6pm KCBS: Evelyn Taft 8-10 KCAL: Evelyn Taft 11pm: Evelyn Taft
    1 point
  28. Nope. I'd give it maybe 4th place so far. WCBS is still the best. Subtle, clean and sleek. Lighting isn't to harsh, so the anchors look smooth not washed out. The video walls don't look washed out by the HD either. The main desk video wall has a nice window pane set up similar to their mid 90s set. Their couch area has some decent physical detailing. If I had to rank the market sets: WCBS > WNYW > WNJU > new WPIX (based off shots) > WNBC> WABC.
    1 point
  29. After some consistent watching, the CBS 46 format was better IMO. It felt like a struggling station had finally found a format that flowed well with some decent talent like Shon Gables, Rick Folbaum and Thomas Roberts when he was there. If the ANF branding was in preparation for a supposed affiliation drop, then the name change was understandable. If not, the modern CBS 46 format and brand was fine. Aesthetically, the graphics and studio aren't than great in comparison to WSB and WXIA. Maybe its me, but ANF anchors really appear to use hand gestures alot when speaking. Perhaps its a technique that came with the rebrand.
    1 point
  30. Deanno is on from 7am. That was his spot, as announced several weeks ago, pre-show launch. They're not going from a bunch of placeholders to another placeholder.
    1 point
  31. Just for fun, I scanned as many CBS affiliate websites in Ohio and surrounding areas I could think of. Everybody's website featured the CBS logo in some form except for WKRC and WHIO. Even Gray stations in Ohio and WV use the CBS logo on their website. WIYE-LD in Parkersburg doesn't appear to have a website, but they include the CBS Eye in their logo. Weird.
    1 point
  32. [Replying to a few replies to my comment on the CBS News Detroit thread...] I know that, but the logic in the specific post I was replying to -- your logic -- didn't say anything about CBS owning a station in Atlanta, so I didn't take that into consideration. I think I missed the part about the CW being dropped from WUPA. Has that been confirmed and/or announced? And.... how has this thread not been shoved over to the Speculatron?
    1 point
  33. By that logic, WFSB in Hartford (also a Gray station acquired from Meredith) is going to drop CBS, too -- its website is also missing the network's logo.
    1 point
  34. Yo, what exactly has Gray Television done that would provoke CBS to leave WANF?? Everyone keeps saying this. I don't get it. If CBS wanted to move to 69, they'd have done so back in 2006 or a long time ago. There is a reason why they sold 69 only to regain it coincidentally just after merging with Viacom. If things went South with the CW, they'll just either run an independent, do something else we don't expect them to do with 69 or sell 69 into a duopoly with one of the other stations and MAYBE get something back. But I don't even see any reason why they'd dump the CW as long as they still have that small ownership stake. Otherwise, they'd have dumped the full 100 in Nexstar's lap. To say nothing of just how badly Gray could screw CBS up if CBS really tried to pull its programming from 46. Remember, there are many more CBS stations owned by Gray. By this logic, WTTV should still be the CW affiliate and WBXI should be CBS.
    1 point
  35. Based on this screen shot, nope. It is way too busy, my eyes go to different background elements that seem to conflict with each other. Hopefully the way it shows up on camera minimizes some of that.
    1 point
  36. I assume they wanted to keep the box, but research shows older audiences need text in a large form; this is why golf fonts are absurdly large compared to other sports packages. Thus the bar was the compromise to both fit a 4:3 picture and accommodate text easily.
    1 point
  37. I guess it has to do with being HDTV, but I never understood why FOX did away with the box and went full-on bar. They invented the box, you’d think they would keep trying to make the box better and less obtrusive than trying to copy every other network with a score bar. FOX tends to set the trend with graphics, with usually CBS trying to follow suit with their own variation. Whatever comes out of this Super Bowl is going to be either really good for the viewers or really bad.
    1 point
  38. First look at a new weather center! And a peak at new graphics too, featuring the 75th anniversary logo that KTLA uses.
    1 point
  39. New set should debut in a few weeks!
    1 point
  40. Like I said yesterday, the black and gold is probably being relegated to the new flash-cam monitor in the newsroom.
    1 point
  41. Explain "diversity propaganda"? What do you mean?
    1 point
  42. The duopoly is now showing commercials that say CBS2 is now CBS Los Angeles. They should’ve done that for KCBS a couple weeks back and not just KCAL only.
    1 point
  43. However they're keeping the old graphics on the midday show, HoyDia got a. refresh look and format no longer news-intensive or went back to format to it prior format when it was known as Un Nuevo Dia.
    1 point
  44. It sounds like she wanted this. https://www.instagram.com/tv/ClluDJroDDr/?igshid=NTdlMDg3MTY=
    1 point
  45. And why would two different stations in the same state do this? Kinda pointless for one station to be Ohio News First if another station in the same state adopted the same brand.
    1 point
  46. Tamsen would be fine in smaller doses (not literally every evening broadcast)...everytime I see Kaity on the weekends (although I'm grateful she's still on the schedule at all) I think of how she was back on weekdays in 2016 only to be dropped within 6 months or so. Even if they just gave the "evening news" (6:30pm) program to her or the 6pm it would draw in many viewers and give competition to the Dana Tyler/Chuck Scarborough/Bill Ritter (and formerly Lori Stokes) fans. PIX has definitely gotten worse with the constant morning changes too (why switch Craig to weekends only to switch him back to weekdays and completely demote John; the Betty Ngueyn story etc etc); I frankly given up understanding their logic for it. Dan has been the only real constant since Suki left. It's nice they're getting a new studio but I really hope they get to improving their broadcasts and stop changing talent (particularly in the AMs) constantly; I feel like the more you move talent around like that the more likely they are to just leave all together.
    1 point
  47. Treadway > Cole > Treadway > Harry > Muller > Cole.. What gives... What a complete shit show at that channel. I don't know what gives.. seriously.
    1 point
  48. I hate localized coverage because satellite viewers can't receive it. Also, if they had enough staff to produce continuous live programming, why not air it to the entire country?
    1 point
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